P.L. Guy

Scala Overview

Comparison with Java

Exercise: Start the Scala interactive shell (also known as the REPL, which stands for Read-Eval-Print-Loop) and execute each of the following statements. Before evaluating each, try to predict what the output will be. Be sure to note any differences in what you might expect based on your knowledge of Java, and try to understand and explain those differences. Evaluate additional statements to test your explanations.

We will come back to a number of the above examples later in the course.

Objects in Scala

As in Java, the object is the basic unit for organizing data and code in Scala. In addition, Scala regularizes and generalizes the treatment of objects in several directions. One regularization seen above is that Scala hides the distinction between primitive and object types: 42 is an object belonging to class Int, which provides various methods such as toString and toDouble.

Consider the following Java code, defining a simple hierarchy of shape classes:

public interface Shape {
  Point getLocation();
  void setLocation(Point center);
  void draw(Graphics g);

public class Square implements Shape {
  private Point center;
  private int width;
  public Square(Point center, int width) {
    this.center = center;
    this.width = width;
  public Point getLocation() {
    return center;
  public void setLocation(Point center) {
    this.center = center;
  public int getWidth() {
    return width;
  public void draw(Graphics g) {
    g.drawRect(center.x - width/2, center.y - width/2, width, width);

public class Circle implements Shape {
  private Point center;
  private int radius;
  public Circle(Point center, int radius) {
    this.center = center;
    this.radius = radius;
  public Point getLocation() {
    return center;
  public void setLocation(Point center) {
    this.center = center;
  public int getRadius() {
    return radius;
  public void draw(Graphics g) {
    g.drawOval(center.x - radius, center.y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);

We may translate this directly into Scala as follows:

trait Shape {
  def getLocation: Point
  def setLocation(center: Point): Unit
  def draw(g: Graphics): Unit

class Square(private var center: Point, val width: Int) extends Shape {
  def getLocation = center
  def setLocation(center: Point) {
    this.center = center
  def draw(g: Graphics) {
    g.drawRect(center.x - width/2, center.y - width/2, width, width)

// Circle is similar

Exercise: Supply the Scala translation of the Circle class.

Except for a few changed keywords (“trait” instead of “interface”, “extends” instead of “implements”) and the slightly different syntax for defining variables and functions (the “var”, “val”, and “def” keywords, and the type after instead of before each identifier), the only real difference here is how we set up the instance fields for the subclasses. Scala supports an abbreviation for the common pattern of declaring simple fields and initializing them in the constructor – the first line of the Square class definition says that there will be a private mutable field named center and a public read-only field named width, both to be initialized when the object is constructed. Since width is public, there will automatically be an accessor method named width on Square objects, corresponding to the getWidth() in the Java version.

In fact, we may write this somewhat more idiomatically (and compactly) as follows:

trait Shape {
  def location: Point
  def location_=(center: Point): Unit
  def draw(g: Graphics): Unit

class Square(var location: Point, val width: Int) extends Shape {
  def draw(g: Graphics) {
    g.drawRect(location.x - width/2, location.y - width/2, width, width)

// Circle is similar

The mutable field location, now public, will provide both the accessor location and the mutator location_= (which is called when there is an assignment to the location field: mySquare.location = new Point(1, 2) turns into the call mySquare.location_=(new Point(1, 2))), as promised in the Shape trait.

Here is a complete Scala program showing off these shapes:

Exercise: Test this program, then add a Circle with radius 50 to the list of shapes.

Observe that the main method is defined in the object ShapeTest. In Java, main would be a static method in a class. Scala does away with the static keyword and replaces it with the more general concept of a “singleton” object: by declaring ShapeTest as an object, it creates a single-use class and constructs the only instance of that class in one step. Scala allows the same name to be used for both a class and an object, which is then referred to as the class’ “companion” object. The companion object can hold data and methods that are shared among all instances of the class, just like static fields and methods in Java. A common pattern is to define a “factory method” in the companion object – a method which may be used to construct instances of the class: Now the call Square.apply(new Point(1, 2), 3) will return a newly-constructed Square object. The apply method is special, because it will be called whenever the object is used as the name of a function itself: Square(new Point(1, 2), 3) is equivalent. This might seem to be a lot of machinery just to avoid typing the word “new”, but it is an important part of making algebraic data types fit into the language naturally (see below).

Inheritance and Mixins

Suppose we wish to extend our shape example so that there are several kinds of shapes. Ordinary shapes are centered at the origin; they can draw themselves and tell you their area, but that’s all. Locatable shapes add the ability to move to other locations. Eventually we will have other categories such as colorable shapes, but let’s work up to that.

Here is a possible implementation in Java:

public interface Shape {
  void draw(Graphics g);
  double getArea();

/** Ordinary (non-locatable) squares
public class Square implements Shape {
  private int width;
  public Square(int width) {
    this.width = width;
  public void draw(Graphics g) {
    g.drawRect(-width/2, -width/2, width, width);
  public double getArea() {
    return width * width;

// Circle is similar

public interface LocatableShape extends Shape {
  Point getLocation();
  void setLocation(Point center);

public class LocatableSquare extends Square implements LocatableShape {
  private Point center;
  public LocatableSquare(Point center, int width) {
    this.center = center;
  public Point getLocation() {
    return center;
  public void setLocation(Point center) {
    this.center = center;
  public void draw(Graphics g) {
    Graphics gshift = g.create();         // Make a copy of g
    gshift.translate(center.x, center.y); // with origin at center

// LocatableCircle is similar

Exercise: Write out the code for Circle and LocatableCircle.

Notice that there is nothing specific to squares in the LocatableSquare class; it inherits all of its square-like behavior from the Square class. In fact, all of the code in LocatableSquare is about managing the shape’s location; you should have written virtually the same code again for LocatableCircle. According to the DRY (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”) principle, this duplication is bad – it’s extra work (imagine what you would have to do if we had dozens of ordinary shapes to make locatable), and it’s a maintenance problem to find and fix all of the copies in case the common code needs to be changed.

What we would like is if all of the location-specific code would come along with the LocatableShape interface. Unfortunately, Java doesn’t allow code (fields or method bodies) in interfaces. A Java class is allowed to inherit behavior from only one superclass, although it may implement the methods of many interfaces. We have to choose whether LocatableSquare inherits from Square and implements LocatableShape (as above), or whether it should extend some AbstractLocatableShape class and duplicate the square behavior. Either way, there will be some repeated code.

Scala solves this problem through the mechanism of mixin traits. A mixin trait is essentially an interface plus the associated code. When a subclass is defined using the trait, the code is “mixed in” along with the code inherited from the superclass. Here is how the above example looks in Scala:

trait Shape {
  def draw(g: Graphics): Unit
  def getArea: Double

class Square(width: Int) extends Shape {
  def draw(g: Graphics) {
    g.drawRect(-width/2, -width/2, width, width)
  def getArea = width * width

// Circle is similar

trait LocatableShape extends Shape {
  def location: Point
  def location_=(center: Point): Unit
  abstract override def draw(g: Graphics) {
    val gshift = g.create
    gshift.translate(location.x, location.y)

class LocatableSquare(var location: Point, width: Int) extends
  Square(width) with LocatableShape

// LocatableCircle is similar

The modifier abstract override on the draw method in LocatableShape indicates that the class being mixed into must provide a draw method, but that it will be replaced by this new version. The original draw method may still be called using the super.draw reference.

Exercise: Fill in the missing Circle and LocatableCircle classes, then test these new shape classes in the ShapeTest program above (the list of shapes should now have type List[LocatableShape]).

Exercise: Follow the pattern of LocatableShape and define a new trait ColorableShape. Here is an example of AWT code to draw a red circle:

g.drawOval(-radius, -radius, radius * 2, radius * 2)

Now extend the ShapeTest program to use colorable locatable shapes. You ought to be able to define such a class as follows:

class ColorableLocatableSquare(var color: Color, var location: Point, width: Int) extends
  Square(width) with ColorableShape with LocatableShape

Algebraic Data Types

The essence of the object-oriented paradigm is that each object has code associated with it, so that the object “knows” how to perform various operations on its data. Two objects might respond to the same set of requests (i.e., have the same interface), but they might perform their jobs in radically different ways. Continuing the shape example, circles and squares both have draw methods, but they produce different shapes on the screen. One advantage of this is that it is easy to introduce new varieties of objects (e.g., triangles) without modifying existing code. As a result, good OO style avoids code which is conditional on what kind of object one has – a program that depended on shapes being either squares or circles would break if you introduced triangles.

In fact, some people advocate OO programming without using if statements at all! Indeed, the Smalltalk language doesn’t have an if statement. It does have true and false values, however. These values are objects, just like everything else in Smalltalk, and they support several methods (in Smalltalk terms, they “respond to messages”) including ifTrue:ifFalse:, which takes two arguments and evaluates the corresponding one depending on whether the object is true or false. Here is equivalent code in Scala (the && operator will be used below): We will learn more about the parameter type => T later; the effect here is that ifThenElse takes a pair of unevaluated chunks of code (each of which would produce a result of type T), and only evaluates the one corresponding to the object’s truth value. When using this code, note that the interdependence between the Bool trait and the False object require that this file be compiled by scalac; it will not work directly in the REPL.

Here is an example of using this:

def test(b: Bool) {
  b.ifThenElse(println("it's true"), println("it's false"))

test(True)  // prints "it's true"
test(False) // prints "it's false"

Note that there are no conditionals in this code at all; the choice of whether to print “it’s true” or “it’s false” is entirely up to the Bool objects. Also, as promised, it is easy to add a new kind of Bool object in this setting. Suppose we wanted to model a “fuzzy” truth value (as in Fuzzy Logic), which has a probability of truth between 0 and 1. The following is one way to do this:

class Fuzzy(probability: Double) extends Bool {
  def ifThenElse(trueClause: => Unit, falseClause: => Unit) =
    if (Math.random < probability) trueClause else falseClause

(We’re forced to use an if statement here because the < operator returns a Boolean value rather than one of our Bool objects….) Now, when we evaluate test(new Fuzzy(0.75)), it should print “it’s true” about three-fourths of the time.

Exercise: Check that the && method provides a logical AND operation on Bool values; that is, evaluate expressions such as True && False and see how it works. Now define an analogous method for logical OR. As a challenge, determine whether these functions behave reasonably on fuzzy truth values.

All of this is a prelude to looking at algebraic data types. Where the OO paradigm emphasizes the association of code with each object, the functional paradigm does the opposite: it gives the code equal footing with the data, by treating functions as first-class values. As a result, there is almost a dual nature between the two paradigms. In OO, it is easy to add new kinds of objects without modifying existing code, but if you want to add a new method on those objects you often have to add it to every class (think of what it would take to add a getPerimeter method to the shape classes). By contrast, we will see that the use of algebraic data types in the functional paradigm makes it easy to add new operations, but more difficult to extend the kinds of values those operations work with. Nonetheless, there are substantial similarities between the two approaches, and one of the nice features of a multi-paradigm language like Scala is that you can work in either style, or a mixture of them.

An algebraic data type is specified by giving a set of constructors. Each constructor takes a list of zero or more data values as parameters, and represents one of the ways to create a value of the data type. For example, consider the type of lists of integers. A list may be empty, or it may consist of an integer at the head, plus a tail which is another list of integers. Here is how this might be expressed (though not quite idiomatically) in the functional language Haskell:

-- This is Haskell
data List = Nil
          | Cons(Int, List)

The constructors here are Nil, which needs no parameters to create an empty list, and Cons, which takes an Int and a List (the head and the tail).

Scala’s syntax for algebraic data types is not as concise as Haskell’s, in exchange for the flexibility of mixing the functional and object-oriented paradigms. Here is one way to express integer lists in Scala:

trait List
object Nil extends List
class Cons(val head: Int, val tail: List) extends List

Surprise! It looks just like the OO class hierarchies we have already seen, except there are no member functions, and the only instance variables are the (immutable) constructor parameters. In fact, these two points characterize the standard use of algebraic data types in functional languages: all of the contained data is supplied to the constructors (and thereafter remains unmodified), and operations on the data are defined as external functions. In the Scala version, we may extract the data from a constructed object using accessor methods (head and tail in the above example), but the more common functional style is to access the data through “pattern matching.” Suppose we want to write a function first in Haskell which takes an integer list and returns either the head of the list, or 0 if the list is empty. Here is one way to do this:

-- This is Haskell
first(list) = case list of
                Nil -> 0
                Cons(head, tail) -> head

It is more common in Haskell to combine pattern matching with function definition, which fits nicely with an algebraic notion of evaluation by substituting equals for equals, and also with the common practice in functional languages of recursive function definitions (mirroring the recursive data type definitions). Here is the first function again, and a recursive function to sum the contents of an integer list:

-- This is Haskell
first(Nil) = 0
first(Cons(head, tail)) = head

sum(Nil) = 0
sum(Cons(head, tail)) = head + sum(tail)

(For clarity, more parentheses have been inserted than would be typical in idiomatic Haskell.)

Exercise: Complete the following evaluation process and check that the sum function works as expected:

-- This is Haskell
sum(Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil))))
 = 1 + sum(Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil)))
 = ...

Before translating these functions into Scala, we need to add some modifiers to the definitions given above for the List trait and its subclasses. These modifiers tell Scala to generate some extra code for us automatically, to support pattern matching better:

sealed trait List
case object Nil extends List
case class Cons(head: Int, tail: List) extends List

The modifier sealed notifies Scala that List will only have the following subclasses; this lets it generate more efficient code in pattern matching because it can check that we have covered all of the possible varieties of List. The modifier case causes several things to happen: the parameters of Cons are automatically declared as vals, a factory method is generated so that we can create a new Cons object without having to say new, and further methods are generated to handle operations such as equality testing between Lists, converting a List to a string, and extracting the fields of a Cons object when doing a pattern match. We could write all of these ourselves (as we did with the factory method earlier), but it is very convenient to have the compiler do this tedious work for us.

Unfortunately, Scala does not support the pattern matching form of function definition, so the idiom we will use is the match expression, which corresponds to Haskell’s case statement. Here are Scala versions of first and sum:

def first(list: List): Int = list match {
  case Nil => 0
  case Cons(head, tail) => head

def sum(list: List): Int = list match {
  case Nil => 0
  case Cons(head, tail) => head + sum(tail)

Exercise: Enter the definitions of List, Nil, and Cons in the REPL, then check that the first and sum functions work as expected. Now write a function last which returns the final element of a List, or 0 if empty. Hint: patterns may involve several constructors, such as Cons(a, Cons(b, Nil)) – this will match a two-element list, binding the elements to the names a and b. The Scala compiler will tell you if your case patterns don’t cover all of the possible values.

For comparison, here is an algebraic data type version of the boolean example:

sealed trait Bool
case object True extends Bool
case object False extends Bool

def ifThenElse[T](b: Bool, trueClause: => T, falseClause: => T): T = b match {
  case True => trueClause
  case False => falseClause

This particularly simple form of algebraic data type is known as an “enumeration” type – the type consists of a (small) set of values, and functions are frequently defined by cases on those values.

In general, values of an algebraic data type will have a tree-like structure: each constructor defines a kind of node in the structure, with the contained data as children. (Technically, subtrees can be shared, so the most general description of the structure is a directed acyclic graph, but the difference is minor if the data is all immutable.) Here is a standard example, which we will be discussing more later:

sealed trait Expression
case class Constant(value: Int) extends Expression
case class Add(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends Expression
case class Multiply(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends Expression

Exercise: Given the following definition of the eval function, test your ability to read Scala code by predicting the result of eval(Add(Constant(1), Multiply(Constant(2), Constant(3)))):

def eval(expr: Expression): Int = expr match {
  case Constant(value) => value
  case Add(left, right) => eval(left) + eval(right)
  case Multiply(left, right) => eval(left) * eval(right)

Now verify your prediction with the REPL, then extend the code to handle subtraction and negation expressions, such as Subtract(Constant(35), Negate(Constant(7))).

Further Reading