Final Exam: due December 13

This is a take-home exam. It is open-book and open-note, but you may not work with anyone else (either in the class or not). If you have any questions, come ask me, call me (my office phone is 658-4120), or send me email. Answer two of the following four questions by writing programs in C++ (or Haskell, although you will need to talk to me about how to do I/O). Save the program source files in a directory named Final in your folder on the I: drive, and send me an email telling me which problems you have solved. Solutions are due by 5 pm, Friday, December 13.
The problem is to keep track of a game of (simplified) baseball during one team's half of an inning. The input is a series of characters describing the outcome of each successive pitch: To make things easier, we'll assume that all hits are singles (that is, the batter runs to first base and any other runner advances to the next base), and the only ways a player can be put out are to get three strikes or to hit the ball and have it caught. In particular, we won't consider tag outs, forced outs, stolen bases, home runs, errors, wild pitches, or any of the other complications that make a real baseball game interesting (or not, depending on your point of view...). Therefore, the relevant rules are the following: Your program should keep reading characters until the half-inning is over. The output should be the number of runs scored during the half-inning. For example, with the following input (the spaces here separate each batter, but your program should not rely on this):
the output should be 2. (The first player gets a hit, the second gets a base on balls, the third strikes out, the fourth flies out, the fifth gets a hit after lots of foul balls, the sixth gets a hit and brings in a run, the seventh gets a base on balls and brings in the second run, and the eighth strikes out.) If there is more input after the third out, ignore it.
(This is based on a true story.) A somewhat misguided committee of computer scientists decides to create a new computer language that requires lots of parentheses. However, they quickly realize that they are going to spend a lot of time counting how many parentheses are still open at the end of an expression and then typing enough closing parentheses to match them all. One of them hits upon the idea of using a closing bracket, ']', to mean ``close a bunch of open parentheses all at once.'' They debate for a while whether the rule should be ``close all the open parentheses'' or ``close only the open parentheses that don't get closed later in the expression,'' but each of these choices has some disadvantages. Finally they decide that they will also have opening brackets, and a closing bracket will close all of the open parentheses back to the matching opening bracket. To restate, the rules for a well-formed expression are that each opening left bracket, '[', must be matched by a closing right bracket, ']'. Each opening left parenthesis, '(', must be matched by a corresponding right parenthesis, ')', with the exception that a right bracket will also serve as a closing symbol for any remaining open parentheses that were contained within the matched pair of brackets. Here are some examples of well-formed expressions using this rule, where all of the real content of the expression has been left out to just leave the skeleton of parentheses and brackets:
( )
( ) ( )
( ( ) )
[ ( ) ]
[ ( ( ) ]
[ ( ( ( ]
( [ ( ) ( ] )
[ ( ( [ ( ] ) ) ]
[ ( ( ] [ ]
Your task is to write a program to check that a sequence of opening and closing parentheses and brackets is well-formed according to this rule. The input will be the sequence to be checked, followed by a question mark signalling the end of the input. The output should be the single word YES or NO reporting whether or not the sequence was properly matched up. For example, if the input is
[ ( ( ] [ ] ?
then the output should be YES, while if the input is
( [ ( ] ?
then the output should be NO (since the initial opening parenthesis was never closed). Recall that C++ automatically skips over blanks and newlines in the input if you use cin >> c; for a char variable c, so the spaces in the above examples are irrelevant. You may assume that there will never be more than 100 currently open symbols at any point in a valid expression.
Eeny Meeny
An ancient math problem concerns a group of people who stand in a circle and count off by reciting a rhyme such as ``Eeny Meeny, Miney Mo, ...'' (or simply by counting up to some predetermined number; there are lots of versions of this). Every time the count comes to the end, the last person leaves the circle and the count starts over with the next person. This continues until only one person is left. Some variations end with the last person being killed, while others have the last person as the only survivor. We will consider a much more benign version; the people will be numbered 1 through N, and as each person leaves the circle we will just print out their number. To make matters simple, we will just say ``Eeny Meeny,'' so as we go around the circle, every other person will be eliminated (the ``Meenies''). For example, if we start with 10 people standing in order from 1 to 10, then the order in which they are eliminated is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 3, 7, 1, 9, 5. It is pretty easy to write a program to do this, especially if we have a queue ADT available. After filling up the queue with the appropriate numbers, we repeatedly remove the front element and then either reinsert it at the end or print it out, switching between these in strict alternation. Instead of working the problem forwards, your problem is to work it backwards: figure out an initial ordering for N people so that when they play ``Eeny Meeny'' the people will be eliminated in strict increasing order, from 1 to N. For example, when N = 10, if we had initially lined them up in the order 8, 1, 6, 2, 10, 3, 7, 4, 9, 5, then the people will be eliminated in the correct order from 1 to 10. Your program should simply take the number N as input, and print out the correct initial ordering. For instance, if the input is 3, then the output should be (please include the commas and spaces)
2, 1, 3
You may assume that the number N is in the range 1 to 100, inclusive.
Number Names
Write a program which reads in a positive integer less than 1 billion (that's the American billion, with 9 zeroes: 1,000,000,000) and prints out its name in words. For example, if the input is 12345678, then the output should be
twelve million three hundred forty-five thousand six hundred seventy-eight
(Note: this problem is the ``easy though perhaps tedious'' choice on the exam; it doesn't require as much insight as some of the others, but it can turn into a big mess of code to handle all the special cases unless you design it carefully.)