Programming Project 2
Simulation of Julian Buiding Photocopy Machines

Administrative Matters:

Stage One Due: Due at the start of your lab (as a prelab assignment) on Tuesday, April 1st.

Final Project Due: Townsend's class on Wednesday, April 9th; Berque's class on Thursday, April 10th; and Howard's class on Friday, April 11th (the time the project is due will be announced by your instructor).

Each student should complete his/her own solution to this project.

Copy the folder "proj2" from the public directory for this class, and do all of your work in that folder.


In preparation for the opening of the new Julian Science Building, we need to determine how many copiers to locate in the new building. As a starting point for making this decision, the University would like to evaluate the use of the copiers in Prevo Library and on second floor of Julian. You have been hired as a consultant to write a computer simulation of the waiting lines for these copy machines by using some data that the Julian staff has projected from direct observation of the two copiers.

These are the observed data:

  1. Every minute 0, 1 or 2 people wish to use the copy machines in Julian Center.

  2. Each of these 0, 1 or 2 people will choose the Prevo copier 40% of the time and the second floor copier 60% of the time.

  3. The copying jobs that each of these people have will take 1, 2, 3 or 4 minutes to complete.

  4. At most ten people will wait in line to use each of these copiers. If a person approaches either of these lines and sees ten people waiting in line (which means one person is using the copier and ten are in line), she will leave the building; she will not walk to the other machine to investigate its waiting line.

These are specifications that DePauw has requested your program to meet:

  1. The program should simulate a typical 16-hour, 960-minute weekday at Julian.

  2. Although the current data indicate that 0..2 people will wish to use one of the two copiers every minute, these values may change in the future. Accordingly, the program should allow 0..MaxPeople people to wish to use the copier every minute. When the program runs, the user should be asked to enter the maximum number of people who wish to use the copier every minute.

  3. Likewise, the current data indicate that 1..4 minutes are needed for these people to complete their copying jobs. These values could also change in the future. Accordingly, the program should allow 1..MaxMinutes for the timing of each job. When the program runs, the user should be asked to enter the maximum number of minutes a copying job takes.

  4. The current data also indicate that each person prefers the Prevo copier 40% of the time and the second floor copier 60% of the time. These preferences could change-especially if the second floor copier always appears to have a long waiting line. Accordingly, allow the user to input the preference percent for the Prevo copier only. It is then assumed that the person prefers the Julian second floor copier 100 - (thisinteger)% of the time.

The output should include:

  1. The number of people who wish to use the copy machines during the course of the simulation (note that you do not need to implement the queues in order to compute this statistic).

  2. The number of people who arrived and got into each line (Two separate answers).

  3. The number of people who arrived but left Julian, because there was no room to wait in their line of choice (Two separate answers).

  4. The average number of people waiting in each line at the end of each minute (Two separate answers).

  5. The average waiting time for each line (Two separate answers).

  6. The number of minutes of the day during which there were no people in line, the number of minutes with one person, number of minutes with two people, with three people, all the way up to the number of minutes with ten people in line. This amounts to a frequency distribution of the length of the queue of people waiting to use a copier at the end of each minute. You will need to display this output twice, once for each queue (Twenty-two separate answers).

To compute results for parts 4, 5 and 6 the copier has to be a separate variable from the queue. That is, each person in the queue is waiting to use the copier. If the copier is not occupied by anyone, the person at the front of the queue is dequeued and uses the copier; otherwise, the person at the front of the queue waits.


You do not have to display graphical output showing items getting entering and leaving the queue as was done in labs 6 and 7. Simply gather input from the user, run the simulation (no output needs to be displayed while the simulation is running), and display the statistics described above.

Notes on Style and Suggestions for Getting Started:

The program should exhibit good style, using functions to separate the problem into small, manageable units (this includes the main body of the program, which should be at most a screenful or so long). It should be well-commented (including pre and post conditions for each subprogram) and easy to read.

We strongly suggest doing this program in stages. Begin by getting the crux of the simulation running and compute only statistic 1) above. Once you have tested your program--and believe it is working--then add the remaining statistics one at a time. The goal should be to write the program incrementally. At all times you should have a working version of the program that you can turn in. Thus, if you don't complete all of the statistics, you can still turn in a working program that demonstrates what you have done. This will probably be much more impressive than turning in a program that attempts to compute all the statistics but does not work at all.


For stage one of this project you are to turn in a printout of a program which welcomes the user to the program and then gets (and error checks) all three of the required inputs from the user doing all appropriate error checking. The program should then carry out a simplified version of the simulation that only computes the data for the first of the required outputs. Note that in order to compute this value you do not need to use queues (the queues will be used in later stages of the project). Finally, you should print the results of statistic 1. Note that you are required to read in and error check all three user inputs even though they are not all required to compute the data needed for stage one.


Once state one is completed you can begin to compute the remaining statistics one at a time always being certain that one statistic is working before moving on to the next one. Note that in order to compute statistic #2 you will need to expand your simulation function so that it uses the queues as part of the simulation. Your simulation function might look something like this:
time = 0;
while (......)
  handleArrivals (parameters go here);
  moveFromLineToCopier (parameters go here);
  moveFromLineToCopier (parameters go here);
  letCopyJobFinish (parameters go here);
  letCopyJobFinish (parameters go here);
  moveFromLineToCopier (parameters go here);
  moveFromLineToCopier (parameters go here);
For the remaining statistics (after #2) you will be making relatively small changes to the program at each step.

Extra Challenge (Not required for an 'A'):

The simulation is currently governed by the rule, ``A person leaves Julian, if his (her) copier of choice has a waiting line of ten people.'' It would be interesting to compare the simulation you will submit (the one described above) with a second, different simulation. This second program will be governed by the rule, ``A person first tries his (her) copier of choice; if the line is too long (ten), then (s)he tries the second copier.'' How will the statistical results differ? If you try this option or any others, you should turn in two programs: The original program, as well the one with this optional feature.