
Thursday, January 30: prepare a 5 minute presentation on the history and characteristics of your chosen programming language
AndrewAlgol MaxwellOberon
BrianAda BlakeSimula
LeslieSmalltalk TuanJava
SteveProlog BrentSNOBOL
Tuesday, February 18: Homework from the text
Chapter 3 (page 149): Problems 2 (but do the C++ switch and for statements instead), 4, 6, 7, and 12 (parts e and f; also describe how the break and continue statements fit into your translation, as appropriate)
Tuesday, February 25: Create a program in MinBASIC (or some other version of BASIC) to show off in class
(Brief description of the Minimal BASIC language and environment)
Tuesday, March 18: Homework from the text
Chapter 7: Problems 10, 11, 14, 21, and 22
Chapter 8: Problems 10, 13, 14, and 17
Tuesday, April 22: Programming Project
Thursday, May 8: Create a program using someone else's Language of the Week to show off in class
Language of the Week:
February 27PascalTuan
March 6AdaBrian
March 13IconSteve
March 20APLBlake
April 3PostScriptMaxwell
April 8SmalltalkDave
April 17JavaJustin
April 24JavaScriptBrent
May 1ErlangLeslie
May 6HaskellAndrew
May 8PrologRobert