Homework 1

This assignment is due Tuesday, September 16, by the start of class.

Exercises from Chapter 9 of the text (pp. 477-479):

Additional problems:

  1. Write two program fragments labeled (A) and (B) such that (A) has a "better" run-time when expressed in big-oh notation but takes longer to run for a small input (say an input size of 10).

  2. What is the run-time of the following fragment expressed in big-oh notation as a function of its input n?
    cin >> n;
    for (int i=1; i <=n+6; i++)
       for (int j=1; j<=n+10; j++)
          cout << i * j << endl;
    for (int k=1; k <= n+1000; k++)
          cout << "Hello" << end;

  3. If a piece of code runs in time O(N2) and takes 2 minutes to run when N is 10,000 how long would you estimate the fragment would take to run when N=40,000? Why is your answer only an estimate?

  4. If a piece of code runs in time O(N3) and takes 2 minutes to run when N is 10,000 how long would you estimate the fragment would take to run when N=30,000?

  5. What is the run-time of the following fragment expressed in big-oh notation as a function of its input n?
    cin >> n;
    for ( i=1; i<=n; i++ )
    {  temp = n;
       while ( temp > 0 )
       {  cout << n * temp << endl;
          temp = temp / 2;