Programming Assignment 4

This assignment is due Thursday, November 6, by the start of class.

Copy the folder I:\CSC122\public\prog4\ into your own directory on the I: drive. This folder contains several files, including project.ide, project.cpp, sortlist.h, and sortlist.cpp. The file project.cpp does not need to be changed--it contains a driver program to test the sortlist class. Your task for this assignment is to write this class (in the files sortlist.h and sortlist.cpp) so that the driver program works correctly.

It is usually best in programming projects to write things and test them incrementally, not all at once. For this assignment, I suggest these steps to allow you to test incrementally:

Turn in a printout of the files sortlist.h and sortlist.cpp on the due date in class. You do not need to print out project.cpp. Make sure your name is included in each file that you print out.