CSC 122 : Computer Science II

Programming Assignment #5


Due Tuesday, November 18, in class




You are working for a major software company in Bluemond, Washington, called MiniSoft.  This company is working with a famous mathematician and physicist named Dr. Stephen Falconing in England.  Dr. Falconing is doing some work that requires very large numbers – numbers that are beyond the capabilities of C++ to directly represent.


Your project manager has placed you in charge of implementing a class in C++ to hold and work with extremely large integers.  He has provided a skeleton of the class, assembled by a team working with Dr. Falconing to determine his needs.  You can find the folder containing the skeleton on the I: drive in the public folder – it is called prog5.  Copy this folder into your own account and do all your work in the folder.  The class is defined according to Dr. Falconing’s strict specifications, so it is essential that you do not change anything in the class definition.


All that is required for the assignment is that you write a portion of the bigint class.  You will be working with someone else in the company that will write the rest.  You should also write a program to test your class functions, to make sure it works.





For this assignment, you must write the implementations for the following bigint member functions:

·        The constructor (which should initialize the bigint to 0).

·        The destructor (which should free up any memory used by the bigint object).

·        The copy constructor.

·        The display function.

·        The two versions of the set function.

The rest of the functions will be completed at a later date.


You should work individually for this assignment.  You must turn in hard copy versions of the bigint.h and bigint.cpp files in class on the due date.  You do not need to turn in copies of your testing programs.