Final Exam Programming Project

Your assignment is to write a program which solves the ``All-Pairs Minimum Path'' problem for a directed graph. You must turn in your program by 5 pm, Thursday, December 18. I would prefer that you give me a printout, either in my office or at the time of the in-class exam; if you come by my office (Julian 266) and I am not there, slip the printout under the door. I will also accept solutions as attachments to email (; I will not look for programs on Jupiter, since I need a positive indication that you are submitting your final version (you may submit multiple versions to correct errors--I will only grade the last one submitted before 5:00 on the 18th). You may discuss this problem with anyone, but the code you submit must be your own; if I determine that two submissions are too similar, I will give both parties a 0 on this portion of the exam. This project will count as 20% of the final exam grade.

You may use the graph class from the book, which is defined in the file d_graph.h (in the usual directory: /home/libs/dataStr/ftsoftds/include). Note that the input format described below matches that expected by this class, so you may read a graph declared with graph<char> g by simply saying cin >> g. It would also be reasonable to work directly with an adjacency matrix representation; for this, or for storing the distance table in either case, you may want to use the matrix class from Chapter 5, which is defined in d_matrix.h.

The input should be read from the console (cin). Recall that you may run a program with its input taken from a file by following the name of the program with a < and the name of the file: for example, ./minpath <test.dat runs the program minpath from the current directory, using test.dat for input instead of waiting for the user to type something. Your program should not prompt the user for anything; it should just read its input, compute the answer, print it out, and exit.

The input will have the following format:

X1 Y1 w1
X2 Y2 w2
The first line will contain v, the number of vertices (which will be at most 26). The following v lines will give the names of the vertices, which will always be consecutive upper-case letters starting with A (this is redundant, but it makes using the book's graph class easier). The v + 2$\scriptstyle \small nd$ line will contain e, the number of edges. The final e lines will describe each edge by giving the starting vertex, ending vertex, and integer weight (the distance from the first vertex to the second). Here is an example:
A B 9
B C 35
(Note that this is the same ``Greencastle-Cloverdale-Indianapolis'' example I did in class, but with single-character names to make things simpler.)

The output should be something like the following:

     A  B  C
  A  0  9 44
  B -1  0 35
  C -1 -1  0
This table gives the shortest distance in the graph from the vertex on each row to the vertex on each column. If there is no path from one vertex to another, the distance should be given as -1 (note that when I did the above example in class, I was assuming an undirected graph, but for this program you should use a directed graph). Again, the vertex labels are redundant, since they will always be A, B, ..., but you should put them in to make the output easier to read.

One algorithm to compute this table is Dijkstra's Minimum-Path Algorithm, described in Section 16-6 of the text. The form given in the book only computes the distance between one pair of vertices. It would be inefficient to call it v2 times to compute the distance between each pair, but an examination of the code reveals that it computes an entire row of the table at once: that is, in the process of finding the minimum path from X to Y, it also computes the minimum path distance from X to every other vertex. Therefore, one strategy is to modify the function minimumPath (which is actually defined in d_galgs.h) so that it returns all of the dataValue fields in a vector or map, then call it once for each starting vertex. It also needs to be modified so that it doesn't stop as soon as the ending vertex is found (just remove the test for this and let it run until the queue is empty). The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires modifying the header files, since the graph class does not allow clients to access enough information (at a minimum, you would need to declare that your modified minimumPath function is a friend of the class).

Another algorithm is less efficient on sparse graphs, but is easy to write as a client of the graph class. It is credited to Floyd, although several other people discovered essentially the same algorithm (Warshall, for example). The strategy is to initially load the table with all of the direct connections between vertices, putting 0 on the diagonal, and filling all of the other entries with -1. For the above example, this gives

     A  B  C
  A  0  9 -1
  B -1  0 35
  C -1 -1  0
Now make v passes over the table. On pass number k (where pass 0 corresponds to vertex A, 1 corresponds to B, etc.), look at each entry in turn. For the entry giving the distance from vertex i to vertex j, compare it with the table's distance to go from i to k and then from k to j; if both of these other distances exist (that is, they are not -1) and if their sum is smaller than the current distance from i to j (or if there currently is no path from i to j), then replace the entry with the smaller distance. The idea is that each pass considers paths that use k as an intermediate point; after all v passes (using O(v3) time), all of the intermediate points will have been considered and the resulting table will give the desired minimum distances.

There will be test input files and corresponding example output in /home/libs/dataStr/finpp. For example, if your program is named minpath, then running minpath <test1.dat should produce essentially the same output as cat test1.out. That folder also contains the compiled version of my model solution, if you want to run it on other test cases.