Syllabus: CSC 222, Data Structures and Algorithms

 Location: Section A: Julian 040, MWF 1:30-2:35; Section B: Julian 109, MWF 2:45-3:50
 Home Page:
 Professor: Brian Howard (
 Office: Julian 266, ph. 658-4120
 Office Hours: MWF 10-11:30, TWTh 4-5, or by appointment (or when my door is open)

Ford & Topp, ``Data Structures with C++ Using STL'', 2$\scriptstyle \scriptsize nd$ edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.

Course Description:
(from the Catalog) This course examines, in depth, several historically significant and highly functional models of data storage, including trees, sets, tries, priority queues, and graphs. Attention is given to selecting the most appropriate model for a particular problem. Differences between the conceptual features of a model and its physical representation on a computer are emphasized. Algorithms which operate on these models are also considered. Other topics include an in-depth study of sorting, including special-purpose sorting algorithms.

The grade for this course will be based on the following:

Policy Statements:

Monday Wednesday Friday
  Aug. 27 29
Sept. 1 3 5
8 10 12
15 17 19
22 24 26
29 Oct. 1 3: Exam 1
6 8 10
13 15 17
Fall Break
27 29 31
Nov. 3 5 7
10 12 14
17 19 21: Exam 2
24 Thanksgiving
Dec. 1 3 5
8 10 12
Final Exam

Schedule of Topics:
This schedule is only approximate and subject to change.