Programming Project 4

This assignment is due Monday, May 3, by the start of class.

Your job is to fill in the details of the Video Store Inventory application described in Chapter 4 of the text. There is a partially completed project in I:\CSC122\Public\Proj4Template which you should copy into your own folder. In the .cpp files in the project there are 15 sections of the code marked ** TODO **. Fill in the details for each of these parts.

There is a working version of the project in the template folder, called Proj4Solution.exe. You should try to make your program behave the same way as the model.

You may work by yourself or with one or two partners. No group may be larger than three students. Be sure to list all group members' names in the comments in each file, and include the folder name where the code is located.

When you are done, turn in a printout of all three modified source files.