Syllabus: CSC 341, Theory of Computation

 Location: Julian 040, TTh 2-3:50 pm
 Home Page:
 Professor: Brian Howard (
 Office: Julian 266, ph. 658-4120
 Office Hours: TTh 10-11:30, MTWTh 4-5, or by appointment (or when my door is open)

Michael Sipser, ``Introduction to the Theory of Computation'', PWS, 1997.

Course Description:
(from the Catalog) Various models of formal languages (which provide a basis for compilers) and computation (which defines the kinds of problems that can be solved by a computer) are studied. Topics include regular languages, regular expressions, finite state automata, context-free languages, context-free grammars, push-down automata and Turing machines. The application of these models to several practical problems in computer science is considered. Computational limits are also discussed, using as examples several problems which cannot be solved by any algorithm.

The grade for this course will be based on the following:

Policy Statements:

Note that there will be no class meeting on Thursday, March 4.
Week Tuesday Thursday
1 Feb. 3 5
2 10 12
3 17 19
4 24 26
5 Mar. 2: Exam No Class
6 9 11
7 16 18
Spring Break
8 30 Apr. 1
9 6 8
10 13: Exam 15
11 20 22
12 27 29
13 May 4 6
14 11 13
Final Exam

Schedule of Topics:
This schedule is only approximate and subject to change. Especially for Chapters 6-10, we will not be covering all of the material in the text; more details on the readings will be given as the semester progresses.