Syllabus: CSC 424, Programming Languages

 Location: Julian 040, MWF 10:30-11:35 am
 Home Page:
 Professor: Brian Howard (
 Office: Julian 266, ph. 658-4120
 Office Hours: TTh 10-11:30, MTWTh 4-5, or by appointment (or when my door is open)

Robert W. Sebesta, ``Concepts of Programming Languages'', 6$\scriptstyle \scriptsize th$ edition, Addison-Wesley, 2004.

Course Description:
(from the Catalog) The topics of this course include a history of programming languages, virtual machines, representation of data types, sequence control, data control, lexical vs. dynamic scoping, sharing, type checking, parameter passing mechanisms, run-time storage management, context-free grammars, language translation systems, semantics and programming paradigms.

The grade for this course will be based on the following:

Policy Statements:

Note that there will be no class meetings on Wednesday, March 3 or Friday, March 5.
Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Feb. 2 4 6
2 9 11 13
3 16 18 20
4 23 25 27
5 Mar. 1 No Class
6 8 10 12: Midterm
7 15 17 19
Spring Break
8 29 31 Apr. 2
9 5 7 9
10 12 14 16
11 19 21 23
12 26 28 30
13 May 3 5 7
14 10 12  
Final Exam

Schedule of Topics:
This schedule is only approximate and subject to change.

Language of the Week (LotW):
Starting on March 17, each Wednesday will be devoted to learning about a different, usually non-mainstream, language. Each language will be covered by a pair of students who work together to present the unique features of the language through handouts, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises. At the end of the hour, a programming exercise using the language will be assigned to the class by the presenters, to be completed by the following Monday (the last one will be part of the take-home final).