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...e Syllabus: WT 234, Algorithmic Art}

 Location: Julian 040, M-F 9-12
 Home Page: http://www.csc.depauw.edu/~bhoward/courses/0304Winter/
 Professor: Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu)
 Office: Julian 266, ph. 658-4120

Course Description:
(from the catalog) This course will explore techniques for creating and manipulating pictures and sounds through computer programming. Students will learn the basics of programming in a modern, high-level language, as well as a variety of methods of representing, generating, and modifying digital media such as bitmap images, vector drawings, audio wave files, and MIDI sequences. Classes will consist of a mixture of lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and hands-on lab experience. Students will be expected to present some of the class material, as well as design, execute, and exhibit a final project using techniques learned in the class.

A satisfactory (S) grade in this class will require an appropriate level of participation in class, as well as preparation outside of class. I will not expect you to become an accomplished artist or algorithmicist in three weeks, but I will expect you to develop new skills and the ability to apply them in creative ways. If you are already a skilled programmer, then this is your chance to try some more challenging exercises; if you are already a talented artist, then this is your chance to explore how to express some of your ideas with a computer. If you are already a proficient computer artist, then you're up first to present something to the class!

You are expected to attend all class sessions, especially since we only have three weeks and you aren't taking any other classes. However, I expect you to take your own education seriously, so I do not keep formal attendance records. If you miss a class, you are responsible for catching up with the material that was covered and any announcements that were made.