CSC 498 - Senior Project
Fall 2004-2005 Semester


Week 1 (8/26):
Course introduction, discuss project ideas.
Week 2 (8/30-9/3):
Individual meetings as needed, time to be arranged. A one-paragraph description of one or two project possibilities is due by noon, Tuesday, Aug. 31. Email it to your instructor:,, or Each description should be preceded with a tentative project title.
Week 3 (9/6-10):
Required 15 minute individual meeting during regular class time. Meeting times will be assigned. Your project proposal is due 24 hours before the meeting to allow time for an approval decision by meeting time.
Week 4 (9/13-17):
Each student will give a ten minute presentation on his or her project. This is an ‘S’ activity. Individual meetings as necessary based on any required proposal revisions.
Week 5 (9/20-24):
Prepare for your first checkpoint.
Week 6 (9/27-10/1):
Checkpoint #1 presentations. This is an ‘S’ activity.
Week 7 (10/4-8):
Special topic discussion and assignment. This is an ‘S’ activity.
Week 8 (10/11-15):
Checkpoint #2 presentations. This is an ‘S’ activity.
Week 9 (10/18-22):
Fall Break.
Week 10 (10/25-29):
Individual meetings may be scheduled as needed.
Week 11 (11/1-5):
Checkpoint #3 presentations. This is an ‘S’ activity.
Week 12 (11/8-12):
Individual meetings may be scheduled as needed.
Week 13 (11/15-19):
Checkpoint #4 presentations in class. This is an ‘S’ activity.
Week 14 (11/22-12/3):
Individual meetings may be scheduled as needed.
Week 15 (12/6-10):
Project demonstration. Final project and report are due at this time.