
CSC 122: Computer Science II, Spring 2006

Exam 2 Sample Questions

  1. For this problem you are to implement a rational number abstract data type as a Java class according to the following characteristics:

    1. The name of the class is Rational.
    2. There are two int instance variables (fields) called numerator and denominator (representing the fraction numerator/denominator).
    3. The methods of the class are:
      • a constructor which initializes a rational number to 0/1
      • void display() which displays the rational number as numerator / denominator
      • void assign(int x, int y) where x will be the numerator value and y will be the denominator value, with the precondition that y cannot be zero (i.e., you need not worry about zero in the denominator)
      • boolean invert() which returns false if the original numerator is zero and otherwise swaps the numerator and denominator and returns true
      • void mult( rational p ) which multiplies the owner by p and stores the product in the owner. In case you forgot, 1/6 x 2/5 = 2/30. For extra credit, store the result in reduced form (e.g., 1/15).

  2. Consider the following Haskell function:

    mystery([ ],[ ]) = true
    mystery([ ],[h:t]) = false
    mystery([h:t],[ ]) = false
    mystery([h1:t1],[h2:t2]) = mystery(t1,t2)
    1. What value is returned by mystery([ ],[ ])?
    2. What value is returned by mystery(['a', 'b'], ['d', 'e'])?
    3. What value is returned by mystery(['a', 'b'], ['d'])?
    4. In a sentence, describe what function mystery computes.
  3. Consider the following Haskell function:

    test(x) = 1 + test(2*x)

    What is returned by each of the following?

    1. test(16)
    2. test(4)
    3. test(33)
  4. Write a Haskell function, addup, which adds the first n integers. For example addup(3) would evaluate to 6.

  5. In one or two sentences, define what is meant by Abstract Data Type.
  6. Consider the following definitions:

    private Listcell myRef;
    private class Listcell {
        private char data;
        private Listcell next;
    void fooAux(String str, int i, Listcell prevFront) {
        if (i == str.length()) {
        } else {
            Listcell tmp = new Listcell();
            tmp.data = str.charAt(i);
            tmp.next = prevFront;
            myRef = tmp;
            fooAux(str, i+1, myRef);
    void foo(String str) {
        myRef = null;
        fooAux(str, 0, myRef);
    1. What is the result of the call foo("cat hat");
    2. Describe what foo does in one sentence.
    3. Rewrite foo so that it accomplishes its task using iteration.
  7. Given the doubly linked list node definition

    private class Node {
        int elem;
        Node next;
        Node prev;

    write a code fragment which will delete the node referenced by p if that node has a node to its left (prev) and right (next).

  8. List one advantage of a linked list implementation of a queue over an array implementation.

Questions, short answer and otherwise, could also be asked about the following topics:


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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated