CSC 197D - First Year Seminar: Algorithmic Art (Fall 2007)

Time and Location:
MWF 9-10 am, Julian 260 (lab work in Julian 109)
Brian Howard (
Julian 266 (658-4120)
Office Hours:
MTTh 11-12, TWF 4-5, anytime my door is open, or by appointment
Course Home Page:
Course Moodle Page:
Course Description:

This seminar will explore techniques for creating and manipulating pictures, sounds, and text through computer programming. While doing this, we will examine some of the implications of using a computer in the creative process: Who is the creator? Is it really art? What is the connection between structure, randomness, and aesthetics? Students will learn the basics of programming in a modern, high-level language, as well as a variety of methods of representing, generating, and modifying digital media such as bitmap images, vector drawings, audio wave files, and MIDI sequences. Classes will consist of a mixture of discussions, lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on lab experience.

Generally, the class sessions will follow this plan:

The grade for this course will be based on the following:

The grading scale used for this class will be the following: A (93-100), A- (90-92), B+ (87-89), B (83-86), B- (80-82), C+ (77-79), C (73-76), C- (70-72), D+ (67-69), D (63-66), D- (60-62), F(0-59). I reserve the right to alter this grading scale at any time. The last day to withdraw from class is Friday, October 12th.

Policy Statements:
Week Monday Wednesday Friday Readings (tentative)
1 Aug. 22 24 Guzdial ch. 1
2 Aug. 27 29 31 Guzdial ch. 2
3 Sep. 3 5 7 Guzdial ch. 3
4 Sep. 10 12 14 Guzdial ch. 4
5 Sep. 17 19 21 Guzdial ch. 5
6 Sep. 24 26 28 Guzdial chs. 6-8
7 Oct. 1: Midterm 3 5
8 Oct. 8 10 12 Guzdial ch. 9; First paper due
Fall Break
9 Oct. 22 24 26 Guzdial chs. 10-11
10 Oct. 29 31 Nov. 2 Guzdial ch. 12
11 Nov. 5 7 9 Guzdial ch. 13-14
12 Nov. 12 14 16 Guzdial ch. 15
13 Nov. 19 Thanksgiving Break Guzdial ch. 16; prepare for debate
14 Nov. 26 28 30 Debate
15 Dec. 3 5 7 Wrap-up; Debate paper due
Finals Week: turn in final project and portfolio of mini-projects