
CSC 498: Senior Project, Fall 2010

Project Ideas

Programming Languages

  1. Extend the language interpreter developed in class projects. Possible extensions:
  2. Design a project to accept character input that denotes a formal context-free grammar definition. Also accept a character string. Output 1 or 0, if the string is a legal sentence in the grammar or not.


  1. Design a new programming language which is geared toward a particular audience or application. An example would be a small, simple and syntactically clean language which helps children learn how to program. After designing the syntax and semantics of the language, implement a compiler or interpreter for it. You will need to keep the language simple if this project is to be doable as you will likely find that you need to debug your language design (as well as your program) as the semester progresses. Keeping in mind that it took an entire semester to implement a compiler for YASL even though you did not have to design the language, you will need your language to be simpler if you are going to have time to complete the language design as well as the compiler implementation.
  2. Design a programming language that has commands for manipulating a picture of a graphical robot or other object. Then write a program which reads in a user's program which might contain constructs such as:
      for i = 1 to 10 do
    As your program interprets the commands, alter the robots image to carry out the corresponding actions. It will be very important to define a reasonable (not too large) set of commands for the robot, along with a reasonable set of commands (loops, branches) which can be used to control the robot. If you have had the graphics class you might be able to include embellishments for the robot such as making the robot move in 3D. Plan your language carefully before you start.

Human Computer Interaction

  1. Following up on the algorithms discussed in the HCI class for unistroke handwriting recognition, and the papers we discussed on the topics of gestures and gedrics, implement a system that allows the user to launch Windows applications by drawing appropriate gestures (either on the desktop or on a special icon). The user would be able to "register" a unistroke gesture along with the path and filename of the application to be launched when that gesture is recognized at a later date. After registration, whenever the user draws the gesture, the appropriate application is launched. You would need to implement a version of the unistroke handwriting recognition algorithm in order to do this project.
  2. Design and implement two versions of a simple software system (such as a text editor, paint program, etc.). For the first version you should follow the intelligent agent (anti-Shneiderman) design philosophy by having the system adapt to perceived user preferences (you will need to decide how to do this, but one example would be to have the menus reorder themselves dynamically to put items commonly used by the user at the top). For the second version you should follow the opposite design philosophy by following the principles of consistency, predictability, and keeping the user in control of all actions. Carry out a formal usability study to compare the two interfaces and present the results of this comparison along with the final programs. Try to determine if the audience has an impact on the preferred choice of interface (perhaps novices will prefer the intelligent agent approach and experienced users will dislike this approach)?

Theory of Computation

  1. Develop a tool which allows the student to draw a transition diagram for a deterministic finite state machine. Ideally the student would enter the transition diagram graphically (i.e. by positioning the states and arcs using the mouse). The student can then enter a string to be recognized by the machine, and the machine will try to process the string while providing an indication of whether or not the string is accepted.
  2. Develop a tool to illustrate the algorithm for converting an arbitrary NFA to a DFA which accepts the same language. The user should be able to enter an NFA using some appropriate strategy. Then the program should work through the steps of the state-subset construction algorithm in order to build the corresponding DFA. The steps should be illustrated as they are carried out.
  3. If you have had the compilers course consider implementing a Turing Machine which would run on short "programs" specified by the user. Ideally the TM would be represented graphically as a tape, a read/write head, and a control. The student could step through his/her program while watching the TM carry out the computation step by step.

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Write a program that reads a set of facts from a file (written in some sort of simplified logical language), then proves queries from a user based on those facts. Options for increasing the complexity of this project include:
  2. Write a single-player chess/checkers/backgammon games with a good AI (using at least heuristics and alpha-beta search, for example). Options for increasing the complexity of this project include:
  3. Write and train a neural network classifier to predict various pieces of weather data (for example, rainfall or temperature) from a set of other related weather data. The network should use some sort of feedback (for example, back propagation) to do its training. To increase complexity, you might allow an adaptive network, which would allow new training data to be added to the network as classification occurs.
  4. Write a program that locates a specific type of item in image files - for example, locating ships in an ocean satellite image, storms in a weather satellite image, or obstacles for a robot navigation image). Another example might be writing an optical character recognizer, to convert an image of text into a text file.
  5. Write a program that parses English sentences. The complexity of this project would depend on the complexity of sentences that are successfully parsed.
  6. Write a program that reads a file containing information on "current" world conditions and possible actions, then prompts the user for a desired goal. The program should then plan a sequence of actions to accomplish that goal. Additional complexity could result from interpreting the conditions and goal in English, or in implementing a more complex planning algorithm (for example, GRAPHPLAN).


  1. Extend the key frame animator project so the user can create and edit a graphical world. The program would define a set of built-in objects (e.g. ellipsoids, cubes, etc.) and allow the user to insert and position these in the graphical world. The user would be able to select an object already in the world and modify it (e.g., change its shape, color, surface lighting parameters, etc.). It should also be possible to insert light sources into the world and modify them in a similar manner.
  2. Extend the key frame animator project to include multiple, concurrent views of the world. For example, one camera (i.e., window) might be located on top of the world, one on the side, and another attached to a point on an object in the world. Cameras should also be treated as "movable" objects in the world; in other words, you should be able to specify the position of a camera at each key frame just like you specify the position of the other objects in the world. As the animation proceeds, all windows show the same animation from that camera's perspective.


  1. A number of algorithms exist that are highly parallel in nature. For example, a merge sort could potentially sort each half in parallel (i.e., at the same time), and when both halves are sorted they can be merged together. If you have multiple computers available the parallel parts can be farmed out by the "client" computer to each of the "server" computers; the servers would then transmit the results back to the client. For this project you'll choose an appropriate parallel algorithm, develop a protocol for client/server communication, and implement this using a networking protocol (e.g., UDP). You should also experiment with the system to determine how the performance of the parallel algorithm is affected by various parameters, such as the number of server machines, the size of the parallel tasks, delay in the network, etc.
  2. Chatrooms are a very popular network application. For this project you'll develop a protocol for a chatroom application and implement this as client/server applications using a network protocol (e.g., UDP/TCP). You should include some form of registration and authentication (i.e., users must validate themselves ("log on") before they can join a chatroom).
  3. Peer-to-peer applications are popular alternatives to some client-server applications. In a peer-to-peer setup two hosts communicate directly with each other rather than always using a centralized "server" host. Napster is a popular (and controversial!) peer-to-peer application. A peer-to-peer application may still involve some limited communication with a centralized server, but the vast majority of network activity is between peers. For this project you'll choose a problem that lends itself to a peer-to-peer solution, develop a protocol for this, and implement this as peer and server applications using a networking protocol (e.g., UDP/TCP).

Database and File Systems

  1. Design and implement an SQL driven database, such as LLBean online, that incorporates stored procedures, user views, triggers, indexes where appropriate, and a clear and robust user interface. The system could be WEB based or a desktop application developed with Visual Basic or C++ Builder.
  2. Implement a mini DBMS using the UNIX file system. Develop a logical storage mechanism that incorporates the idea of a data dictionary and a table storage mechanism. Provide a library of functions that a C++ programmer could use to interact with your database.
  3. Develop a B+-tree library with functions such as create, insert, and delete, and search. You would also want to provide several utility functions that would allow inspection of the various nodes of the tree. Demonstrate the library with several applications that use it. This project requires no file processing since your library could be demonstrated by displaying information in leaf nodes.

Operating Systems

  1. Implement through simulation a variety of CPU scheduling algorithms. Conduct a study that compares them for performance and complexity.
  2. Study threaded applications by implementing a variety of multi-threaded applications in different environments, Linux, C++-Builder, Java, Visual Basic. As an example you might run three different sorting algorithms simultaneously and compare results at the end.
  3. Develop a synchronized application, such as a game or chat, in client-server mode on the Linux machines using remote procedure calls.

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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated