
CSC 498: Senior Project, Fall 2010

Project Summaries

Alexander Billingsley, "IFC Event Management System"

This project will be a web-based application to be used by DePauw Student Organizations, where the primary users are members of Greek organizations. In an effort to provide a safe environment for students, DePauw Public Safety and the Interfraternity Council (IFC) request that any parties hosted by Greek organizations go through a registration process and maintain a sign-in sheet for the duration of the party. The goal of the project is to take the previously manual process of managing a guest list and provide an easy-to-use computerized system to manage such events. The program will allow students to create a new event and associate it with a Greek organization. The software will allow guests to swipe their Tiger Express Cards with the use of a card reader. The card reader will read the student id from the card and add the id and a timestamp to a guest list. The project will use data collected during the event and an algorithm to determine if a guest is "fit" to enter an event. The software will also provide an administrator view that can be used by IFC or DePauw Public Safety to review guest lists after the event for investigative purposes.

Wesley Cleveland, "Automated Arbitrage Trading Within Sports Betting Exchanges"

From the opening of the markets to the closing bells, computers make millions of automated trades across the world. While markets attempt to present a uniform price on each stock at all times, in reality small differences occur constantly. These differences can be exploited by very fast automated trading programs attempting to buy from one market and sell to another in a split second in order to ensure a very small profit, which is known as Market Arbitrage Trading.

Similar to worldwide stock markets, sports betting exchanges exist throughout the world, and each offers odds on the same sporting events. Through arbitrage betting, it is possible to exploit small differences in exchange odds to ensure a profit.

I will build a market arbitrage trading program utilizing a number of betting exchanges. The program will consist of three main parts: the odds scraper, the market analyzer, and the position tracker. The odds scraper will examine XML feeds to grab the current odds from each exchange, placing these inside a database. The market analyzer will then determine if any arbitrage opportunities exist, check with the position tracker to see if these positions have already been taken, and simulate adding these positions and tracking profits.

Cameron Cross, "A Website Designed to Display and Store Data for DePauw's Energy Wars"

For the past four years, Sustainability at DePauw has run a competition between dorms comparing the buildings' environmental footprints based on electricity and water consumption. The goal for this project is to develop a web site to display this data in an interesting and eye-catching way and to provide environmental news and tips. It should provide the competition with an easily accessible view of the data while keeping the website user-friendly to the administrators. Ideally, the main page of the website could be viewed on a monitor for passing students while, if visited, navigation of the website would provide resources and links for tips and facts about the environmental effect DePauw has on the world.

Joseph Diekhoff, "Xbox 360 Tetris"

Tetris is a puzzle game created by Alexey Pajitnov using random tetrominos (shapes made of four square blocks) that fall down a playing field. The goal is to create horizontal lines across the playing field with the tetrominos in order to score points and achieve the highest score possible. Features that this game will include are: 1 player game play, 2 player local game play, 2 player network game play, music and sound effects, saving high scores, and power-ups to change game play mechanics. The Xbox 360 is the platform of choice due to the XNA framework (a set of tools that facilitate game development) and Xbox Live (a service for playing games online).

Alan Dull, "On-side - An Interactive Website for the Putnam County Youth Soccer Association"

This project involves the creation and implementation of a website, designed specifically for the Putnam County Youth Soccer Association. It will entail constructing several active web pages and multiple databases. The goal of this project is to make a website that is easy to modify for the administrators, and useful for both coaches and players. The website will be used to send messages to those associated with the program, as well as keep team and player statistics. The website will not only have detailed information about the program, coaches, and players, but it will also have an online store with a cart, in which a general user could buy soccer equipment. Hopefully this website will suit all of the pertinent needs of the Putnam County Youth Soccer Association, helping them to continue to share soccer with the youth in the surrounding area.

Pucong Han, "SunSPOT Messager"

A SunSPOT node (Sun Small Programmable Object Technology) is a small, wireless, battery-powered embedded device. It can broadcast and receive data packets that contain integers, booleans and bytes. Based upon this feature, I am designing a Message Center for the SunSPOT Base Station that allows users to chat and share information through the SunSPOT wireless sensor network, and a Data Packet Bouncer on the SunSPOT sensor kit that allows the message to be passed in a long distance. The SunSPOT message center will be a user interface application running on the host and interacting with applications running on the SunSPOT Base Station. The ultimate goal of this user interface is to enable users to communicate using the SunSPOT wireless sensor network. Clients can broadcast messages to either a particular user or all available users via the particular port of the SunSPOT Base Station. The data packet bouncer is a SunSPOT sensor kit application can establish connection with both SunSPOT Base Stations (message center clients) and other data packet bounders within its signal strength. The ultimate goal of this Bouncer application is to transfer data packets between two SunSPOT Base Stations. There can be multiple data package bouncers between two agents. As a result, the packets can travel a long distance through various bouncers.

Jennifer Johnson, "A Website for Things to do at DePauw: Touring the Town of the Tigers"

The project is a website called "Things to Do at DePauw: Touring the Town of the Tigers". The main purpose of this website is to give every student or visitor easily accessible and interactive information on what is going on at DePauw University. Students with accounts will be able to rate activities, make comments on activities, and send applications to the administrator with information on more things to do. There will be a database containing files for student accounts, administrator accounts, ratings, and applications. The administrator position will be able to edit and log into anywhere on the site. Others coming across the website will be able to access the information but not interact. I will be able to identify students by asking students to request an account; they will enter their @depauw.edu e-mail address and the administrator will send that address an e-mail where the student will have to click a confirmation link. After this, the student will be able to have an account and make comments on the website. Using Ruby on Rails, I will be building the web site application, where each page contains a title of the activity or place, phone number, address, ratings, description, comments, and directions from the hub (if the activity is off-campus). Ultimately, students will get first-hand information on what their peers enjoy and believe to be a worthwhile activity.

Jordan Lambert, "A Medication Monitoring Software"

This project involves developing a medication monitoring software to be used by people who take medications on a regular basis. Presently almost everyone in the United States regularly takes some form of a drug. Whether they are vitamins, supplements, prescriptions, or over-the-counters, remembering to take them can become a problem. In our fast-paced society, it is not uncommon to forget something like this. With this software not only will the person be sent a reminder to take their prescriptions, but they will be able to monitor active and past medications. Email has become one of the most common forms of communication so this program will take advantage of that. Also, a large majority of cell phone owners can now get email sent directly to their phone, so they can be reminded no matter where they are. For the monitoring side of the program, the user will be able to print out a current medication list, look up past medications they were taking, and edit or change medications they are on. This program will be designed to increase the safety of taking drugs and help in the prevention of forgetting to take medications.

Kervory Samuel, "Kat de Sent Lisi (St. Lucian Card Games)"

For my senior project, I will create a card game consisting of 3 popular card games in St. Lucia. The games are known as Peter Pack, Four Brothers and Volé Patjé. The project will entail effectively transitioning from the rules of one game to another. The user will have the option of customizing some aspects of the game but the overall transition requires limited action by the user. For instance, the user can select the number of computer opponents according to the game of choice. Peter Pack has a maximum of 3 cards per hand, whereas Volé Patjé has a maximum of 4 cards per hand.

Another major feature of this program will be the multiplayer component. I have decided to slightly tweak the games from their traditionally-played formats in order to allow better play against computer-generated players. The major drawback to this approach is that St. Lucian players will not get the true experience of player the card games. For that reason, the multiplayer component will focus on reproducing a game experience that is similar to actual human based play.

Travis Sheppard, "An Online Farmers' Market"

I intend to develop an online farmers' market. The application's database hosts listings of locally grown products, as well as information about the location of the seller. After indicating their location, users can search for various categories of foods sold by local producers. Sellers can easily post information about their products, including photos. If a buyer decided that they wanted to contact the seller, then they would do so by forwarding an email, or via an internal messaging system.

Anonymous users are able to see local food listings without registering. However, further functionality is limited to registered users. After entering a unique e-mail address, location information (exact form undecided), and a password, users automatically create their own user profile. With this profile, users can login to access listings of products, list their own products, or even participate in discussions about local food. Users could post comments about products, as well as open-ended discussions about their local food community. As development takes shape, additional features may be conceived.

Richard Tryon, "A Location-Based Task Management Application for the Apple iPhone"

This project revolves around the creation of an iPhone application that enables users to create tasks and track events based on location. The application utilizes the iPhone's GPS hardware and notifies users of specific user-created tasks as well as campus events based on the user's current location. The integration of campus calendar events will also allow users to check for events that are near their current location. In summary, this application will allow DePauw students and faculty alike to achieve better organization and at the same time provide them with a portal to discover various campus events.

Kiara Williams, "C-Sblog: The CS Blog"

C-Sblog is a dynamic open forum where Computer Science students at DePauw University can post CS-related questions. Faculty members and students who have experience with the CS-related question topic could answer it to the best of their ability. Anyone can visit the open forum. However, only registered users can post and respond to questions. Visitors can request for membership on the open forums home page. The questions and their answers will be stored on the database. The answers of each specific question will be linked together so users will be able to see the question and its responses. Users will be able to sort through and search questions on the database that have already been asked by entering keywords into the website's search engine.


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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated