
CSC 498: Senior Project, Spring 2012

Project Summaries (Spring 2012)

Vincent Aguirre, "10 Second Career (Career Services Application)"

This project is an Android application regarding career services. The idea was contrived by Steve Langerud, Director of Career Development at DePauw, and refined multiple times before the final design was decided. This idea has led to the creation of 10 Second Labs, INC. This project is being created by 10 Second Labs and will eventually be released to the Android Marketplace.

The main function of the application will be providing tips on resumes, interviews, and cover letters. The application will provide a certain amount of tips to the user and then link them to a website that has access to exclusive tips. This application will also have a section to "Meet Steve" which will allow the user to learn more about Steve Langerud. There will also be a user testing stage to make sure the application is suitable for use and easy to understand.

Catherine Baker, "Assistive Solver for Optimization Problems"

The program will help students check their work on optimizations problems similar to the ones covered in the Operations Research class the math department has. These problems seek to maximize or minimize an output of some function given some constraints. An example of this type of problem is:

Mary is selling blank note cards and birthday cards in the mall. Blank note cards are sold for $5 for 10 and birthday cards are sold for $1 each. It costs $1 to create 10 blank note cards and $.50 to create 1 birthday card. She only has enough paper to make 25 cards and can only spend $3 making the cards. Given this information, how many of each type of card should Mary make?

As these problems have the ability to be solved with different steps, the program will be able to handle the different choices the user will make and let them know if it is a valid move or not. There are three different methods that can be used to solve an optimization problem, big M method, simplex method, and two-­phase method, and the program will be able to follow the progress of each step the user enters and determine and alert the user to whether or not they have made a mistake. The interface will include a few choices for the user. They can view a section where there is a problem fully solved in order to help remind them of the process. As these problems can come in varied levels of difficulty, the user can adjust the size of matrix and will also be able to adjust to whether or not the user would like to use fractions or decimals for their solution.

Ikaika Correa, "iPhone Workout Application

For my senior project, I will be creating an iPhone application that will act as a tool one can use in the gym during workouts. The application will keep track of your weight lifting workouts, which a user will be able to manually create, by saving your workouts that you performed on a given day, along with the amount of sets and repetitions you completed for the exercises in these workouts. The application will also calculate your progress made for each exercise performed over time. This will make it easier for one to plan and keep track of their workouts as they will have a log of what exercises they have previously done and what weight, sets, and repetitions they previously were using.

The application will be created using the iPhone Software Development Kit (XCode) with the utilization of Photoshop for graphical purposes. The entire application will be written in Objective-C.

Morgan Hooks, "My Virtual Closet: A Desktop Application"

My Virtual Closet is a desktop application that allows a user to keep track of his or her wardrobe in an organized environment. The user is able to upload pictures of all of his or her clothing items and accessories. When an item is uploaded, the user selects the color, size, and type (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.) of the item. This allows for easy searching through items once everything is uploaded. The user can also mark an item "unavailable" when it is in the laundry or borrowed by someone else.

Once the user has uploaded items into the closet, he or she can put outfits together to see how items look. If the user has a specific piece in mind, they can search for it using the characteristics they entered when uploading the item. Once they choose an item from each category (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.) the program will generate a picture of the outfit so the user can decide if they like how it looks. If they decide to wear it, they can mark the outfit "worn" and the program will make each piece "unavailable". There will also be an option to generate a random outfit for the user to look at if they don't have a specific idea in mind.

Dylan Howard, "Baseball Simulation"

The project is a statistically driven baseball simulation. This project will use a very simple database backend to store players and their stats. From this information, a user will be able to view these numbers, set a lineup, and simulate games (the number of available teams to be dictated by time). User input will be command line, with a manual of relevant commands. The simulation will be done on an at-bat basis, with the opportunity to make decisions between each at-bat. Important in-game managerial commands like pinch hitting, bullpen moves will be included as well as options that can influence the weight of certain outcomes, such as swinging for the fences or bunting. Further aspects of roster control will be considered as time permits.

Erik Krag, "A Mobile Grade Rubric Application for Teachers and Professors on the iPhone

I am designing a grade rubric application for the iPhone that will allow teachers to make and save a rubric template and then use that template to grade students. When the user opens the application they will see all their past templates, a way to edit templates, and then a way to create new ones. This application will allow for either letter grades (i.e., A, B, C, D, F) or numerical grades (1 to a specified number) to be selected for each category that the user sets up, these categories can be named and there can be as many categories as a user wants. With each rubric the user will enter the name for who the rubric is for, and after the grade is calculated it will be stored in a way to be determined later.

Lei Liang, "The Exchanger"

My senior project is called Exchanger. With the design and implementation under Visual Basic, it provides users with a platform where they can exchange things that they do not need. From the perspective of protecting our environment, if a person simply dumps an unwanted item that still functions well in the trash can, he wastes resources and extra resources will be used for producing another similar item. But this item may be quite useful to other people so a better way is to exchange this item with another person who can make more use of it. Standing on an economic view, users are more likely to exchange for an equal-value item if they can exchange directly. Online shopping websites aim at making profits, so when a person sells a used item through them, a fair amount of transaction fee is charged. My project has a goal to provide a free exchanging platform to users, where trades happen between two people without any money involved.

Candace Liu, "Forget-Me-Not: A Desktop Password Management Program"

The password management program aims to help users generate and store unique and secured passwords for different occasions or applications. As security issues occur both in internet activities and daily life, poorly-structured passwords are likely to give away a user's personal information. In order to remedy the problem, this program dedicates to generate passwords for users with customized specifications. A user is allowed to choose components for his or her passwords from a group of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. A user is also asked to specify the least occurrence of each component by using a numericUpDown control, as well as the length of the password in the textbox format. For example, if a user wants to generate a password for his or her bank account, he or she can simply select "numbers" with specified length to be 4. In other situations where a user wants to generate a password for an email account, he or she could choose to have two uppercase letters, two lowercase letters, and make the password length seven. Therefore, the program knows the user wants at least two components of each category, and will fill out the rest of the password with either uppercase or lowercase letters. Before generating any passwords, the user is prompted to input the application's name associated with the password. This process enables the program to group and save the information so that the user does not have to remember the password. The generated passwords will be stored encrypted in the program, and the user would be able to see the application's name one by one when requested. When a user tries to use the password for an application, he or she can choose to decrypt the password by clicking on the "retrieve" button. The program aims to retrieve the decrypted password onto the clipboard, so the user can simply paste the password into the required field without seeing or even knowing it.

Each time a password is generated and stored into the program, the program will use a time-tracking system, which will remind the user to change password regularly. The default frequency for this program will be 60 days.

Jordan Mascoe, "A Website for Martial Artists"

This project will be a website that is used to store, share and organize information that is specific to martial arts training. This site will have both student and teacher accounts, where students can save and share anything from training notes to useful quotes, and teachers will be able to save and share things like lesson plans or seminar presentations. There will also be a message system where students can submit questions to teachers and teachers can respond to them. There will be several databases implemented in this project that will work together to provide safe sharing between users. For instance, to prevent spamming from one user to another there will be a list of received notes that a user can physically check what is sent to them. This list will also have checks to prevent too many notes from having the exact same content, so no one will be able to send duplicates of the same note to a single person.

Matthew Polky, "A Web-Based Application for a Fitness Management System"

The project will be a web application which promotes healthy living. The web app would allow users to manage and track their fitness over an indeterminate amount of time. A user would be able to select what exercise they did on a particular day and also for how long they worked out. The web app would also allow a user to keep track of their eating habits by counting calories. Hopefully by leveraging the user's social network and by designing a simple, intuitive interface, the user will be motivated to stay healthy and will be drawn back to the web app.

The emphasis of the project will be on making the application simple and intuitive. The user should be able to quickly pull up the web application, enter their exercises for the day, and close out of the application in a matter of a few minutes. By integrating an existing API (Wolfram Alpha) for the exercise and calorie calculator, the brunt of the project will focus on the user experience side of the application.

Yves-Marie Toussaint, "French Verb Conjugator"

For my senior project I would like to design a French Verb conjugator that will encourage students to learn and practice basic French verb conjugations. The program will be written in Visual Basic .NET using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development environment. The target user for this program will be any student interested in learning the French language. Some of the main features of the program include: a French/English verb search that will display the conjugation of any selected verb, a practice mode that will allows users to complete verb conjugations, and a flashcard study mode that introduces new verbs to the user. Verb conjugations will be done in the past, present, and future tense.

User feedback will be very important for this project. As a result I will be gathering user feedback from both French students and French instructors who may wish to use the program for introductory level courses. The ultimate goal of this project is to build an accessible program that can be used as a quick reference and study tool for conjugating common French verbs.

Syed Usamah, "An Academic-Content Encyclopedia Based on an Openly Editable Model"

This project entails an academic encyclopedia based on Wikipedia's openly editable model. However, the content uploaded and shared must be of academic quality, i.e., from published books and peer reviewed journals. The difference between this site and those that exist already is that this project will give more credence to credibility/reliability rather than to the sheer volume of content that is usually un-academic. The encyclopedia will specifically be targeted towards existing academic knowledge, as there are many issues with current research being shared openly and freely on the internet (including corporate patents, and the willingness of scientists themselves, and so on).

The project will be completed using Ruby on Rails 3.1. I will create my own website, using a MySQL lite database, but will also borrow ideas from open-source wiki-websites, like Wagn and Instiki, that have already been developed using Rails.

The website will be divided in different content categories, with users being able to openly upload and edit content without authentication. However, part of the website will be implementation that will judge the credibility of the editor as an expert in the field of his edition. This will be done by having editors provide their college/university or research institution email, with a verification email being sent to that address for confirmation. Also, there will a way to recommend/++ any changes made to an article by any particular person, adding to his total score of credibility.

Yucheng Vigo Wei, "Dreamatic: A Website Where Dreams Come True"

Dreamatic (stylized Dream@t!c) is a website that offers a platform for people to post their project ideas that they need help to implement. Those projects are quality dreams that deserve attention and help (both monetary and in other forms) from the public. To help the users realize their dreams, the website should provide a user-friendly interface for users to share their ideas, browse/vote for others' ideas and offer help. Upon submission, dreams will be reviewed by the website to filter posts that violate regulation and/or those contain out-of-date content. Besides users' donation/help, the website will also have an option for companies to sign up to be sponsors. Through helping people achieving meaningful projects, this website can really help companies build their public images.

Michael Woodsmall, "DePauw Event Finding Application & DePauw Event Scheduling Web App"

The project will entail the design and development of an Android based DePauw event finding application, as well as, a Ruby on Rails powered web application. The two applications will be designed to work together. The Rails web application will allow organizations recognized by the DePauw Student Government to create events and post them to the web site. The Android application will provide an easy to use interface to display the events and their details. The Android application will include a variety of features to enhance usability. The user will be able to sort events by organization, date, or type. Also, the user will have different options to view upcoming events. The user will be able to view the events as a list, or view them on a Google map. When the user selects an event from the list or map, more information will be displayed about the event, and the user will be able to get directions to the event. The Android application would also allow users to "follow" a certain organization. When an organization that a user follows posts a new event, the Android application will display a notification in the device's status bar. If time permits, the final feature of the Android application would allow users to view images or minutes from a prior event.

LiQiang Ye, "An e-Commerce Website that Leverages the Power of Social Media"

This project involves developing an electronic commerce website that leverages the power of social media to facilitate consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales and marketing.

As an e-commerce website, it provides basic functionalities to allow people and business to sell and buy a broad variety of goods and services, including product upload and viewing and online transaction.

The website shares some similarities with Amazon.com and Groupon.com, but differs in the following three ways. Firstly, it emphasizes interpersonal marketing. While most internet-based shopping websites market sellers' products via banner ads, sidebar ads and pop-up ads, this website focuses on assisting sellers in advertising through social media. For every product listed on the website, there is a variety of social networking links for both sellers and buyers to spread the product information and invite their friends to group purchase the product. Secondly, the price of each product depends on the quantity of buyers. As the website helps sellers save their marketing expense via the use of social media marketing and the product selling is based on group purchase, sellers have a wide flexibility to adjust the price of their products. Unlike Groupon.com that offers consumers a fixed discount on every deal, the price of each product on this website will vary as the number of buyer changes. Every time the quantity of buyer breaks a pre-set threshold, there will be a new discount. By this way, buyers will be highly motivated to share the product information with their friends on social media. And finally, unlike Amazon.com that charges commission based on selling price, the commission that the website charges its sellers will be determined by the quantity of product sold.

Jinrui Zhang, "DePauw Online Shopping Mall"

This senior project mainly focuses on developing an online shopping mall for DePauw students or residences around campus. The online shopping mall means to create a much more convenient platform for trading various goods through campus, such as textbooks, appliances or all kinds of personal items that you might want to share. Besides, it is also aiming at enhancing the communications among thousands of students by this online shopping experience.

This online shopping system will be developed based on the stereotypes of major online shopping system such as amazon.com, ebay.com, etc. It will maintain the main features including member registration, shopping cart, check-out and administrator's backstage management. Students used to go to e-services to post their offers or needs and then wait for emails from others. Posts are usually ambiguous and easily to miss. Therefore, making post on e-services to manage student's university business is of low efficiency as well as great inconvenience. DePauw online shopping mall is created for conquering the difficulties. People can browse through the products they may need which majorly come from other students. They not only could get the best offer they have ever had, but also they could experience the almost instant delivery. It greatly helps improving campus life as well as creating a substantial community within DePauw University.


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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated