Assignments for CSC 122B, Computer Science II

Friday, February 6:
Look at Appendix A and pick out three features of C++ that you didn't know or would like to learn more about
Friday, February 13:
Programming Project 1
Monday, February 16:
Homework 1
Monday, March 8:
Be prepared to discuss the questions from the HasCl handout in class.
Wednesday, March 10:
Write the following functions in HasCl:
Wednesday, March 10:
Exam 1, 7 pm, Julian Auditorium (JSMC 147)
Practice Exam (PDF)
Friday, April 9:
Programming Project 3
Wednesday, April 28:
Exam 2, 7 pm, Julian 159
Practice Exam (PDF) and older [PDF] (with solutions [PDF])
Monday, May 3:
Programming Project 4
Wednesday, May 19:
Final Exam, 1-4 pm, Julian 040
Practice Exam (PDF)