
CSC 122: Computer Science II, Fall 2005


Week Topics Notes
8/24-26 Course overview; Java review; Debugging and unit testing; Greedy algorithms Chapter 10
Project 1
8/29-9/2 Complexity and run time analysis; Informal Big O notation; Linear and binary search; Selection, bubble, and merge sort (iterative). Chapter 19
9/5-9 Big O notation; Merge sort and recursion; Recurrence relations Chapters 18 and 19
Project 2
9/12-16 Quick sort; Towers of Hanoi; Wrap up Big O Chapters 18 and 19
9/19-21 Introduction to Haskell No class Friday, September 23
9/26-30 More Haskell; Abstract data types Exam 1
10/3-7 Stacks with arrays; Linked lists; Stacks revisited; Backtracking Chapter 20
10/10-14 Queues with arrays and linked lists Chapter 20
Project 3
10/17-21 Fall Break  
10/24-28 Inheritance and Polymorphism Chapters 11 and 13
10/31-11/4 Dynamic memory; C++; Stacks and queues revisited  
11/7-11 More C++; Begin binary trees Exam 2
11/14-18 Binary trees Chapter 21
11/21 Complete binary Trees Thanksgiving Break
11/28-12/2 Software engineering; Implementing an abstract data type Project 4
12/5-9 Software engineering; Generic classes; Wrap up Chapter 22


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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated