
CSC 296: Media Computation, Spring 2008


Time and Location: MWF 10:10-11:10 am, Julian 278
Professor: Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu)
Office: Julian 266 (658-4120)
Office Hours: MWF 2-4, TTh 10-12, TW 4-5, anytime my door is open, or by appointment
Course Home Page: http://www.csc.depauw.edu/~bhoward/courses/0708Spring/csc296/
Course Moodle Site: http://moodle.depauw.edu/course/view.php?id=1150

Mark Guzdial & Barbara Ericson, "Introduction to Computing and Programming with JAVATM: A Multimedia Approach", Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN: 0-13-149698-0 (required)

Course Description:

The goal of the course is to introduce programming to students with no prior programming experience. The concepts are motivated by writing programs in Java to manipulate media, producing effects similar to those in applications such as Photoshop. In addition to manipulating digital images and sounds, students will explore techniques for creating pictures, music, and simple movies programmatically. By relating the concepts to these concrete examples, and seeing the same techniques used for several different media types, students will learn how digital media work, as well as the fundamentals of computer programming.

This will be taught as a W course, with writing assignments on issues of aesthetics and perception of digital media, and the role of computers in the creative process. The first paper will be a research paper (roughly 10 pages) on a topic related to human sensory perception and its relation to digitized media. For example, you might investigate how the human visual system influences color systems, how the visual or auditory systems determine image resolution or sampling rates, or how compression techniques take advantage of the limitations of these systems. The second paper will be a survey and review (roughly 5 pages) of the work of an artist who works with digital media. The third paper will be a description (roughly 5 pages) of an artistic technique which you have explored, accompanied by examples of the use of the technique. One other W component will be keeping a weekly journal of reflections on the course: each student will write one or more paragraphs each week about what was learned in the class, what went well or didn't go well, and what else would be nice to do.

This course is not intended for students who have already taken CSC 121, Computer Science I. Successful completion of this course may take the place of CSC 121 (for major/minor requirements as well as for prerequisites) if a student decides to take further courses in Computer Science.

The grade for this course will be based on the following:

The grading scale used for this class will be the following: A (93-100), A- (90-92), B+ (87-89), B (83-86), B- (80-82), C+ (77-79), C (73-76), C- (70-72), D+ (67-69), D (63-66), D- (60-62), F(0-59). I reserve the right to alter this grading scale at any time. The last day to withdraw from class is Friday, October 13th.

Policy Statements:
Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Jan. 28 30 Feb. 1
2 Feb. 4 6 8
3 Feb. 11 13 15
4 Feb. 18 20 22
5 Feb. 25 27: Exam 1 29: No Class
6 Mar. 3 5 7
7 Mar. 10 12 14: No Class
8 Mar. 17 19 21
Spring Break
9 Mar. 31 Apr. 2 4
10 Apr. 7 9 11
11 Apr. 14 16: Exam 2 18
12 Apr. 21 23 25
13 Apr. 28 30 May 2
14 May 5 7
Final Exam: Monday, May 12, 8:30 am

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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated