
WT 244: Campanology, Winter 2008


Time and Location: M-F 9 am - 12 noon, Gobin UMC Colonnade Room
Professor: Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu)
Office: Julian 266 (658-4120)
Office Hours: M-Th 2-4, or by appointment (or when my door is open)
Course Home Page: http://www.csc.depauw.edu/~bhoward/courses/0708Winter/
Course Moodle Page: http://moodle.depauw.edu/course/view.php?id=117
Dorothy L. Sayers, "The Nine Tailors," Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1934.
Venita MacGorman, "Basic Training for Bells," Choristers Guild, 2003.
Course Description:
(from the Catalog) Students will learn about the history and practice of bell ringing. Bells have been used for music and communication since ancient times. Part of the course will involve reading and discussing bell-related literature (for example, Poe's "The Bells" and Sayers' "The Nine Tailors"). Another aspect of the course will look at the physics of bells and their unique harmonics, as well as mathematical patterns in the ringing of bells. A major component of the course will be learning to ring music on English handbells, with the goal of giving a small concert at the end of the term. The class will also experience carillon music and tower change-ringing, perhaps through trips to nearby bell towers. Students will give a presentation on an aspect of the history of bells, and will also be evaluated on their contribution to class discussions, rehearsals, and the final performance. No prior musical skills will be required.
The most important part of the grade will be participation in discussions, rehearsals, and the concert. A handbell group cannot function without the participation of all of its members. In addition, the presentations will be graded for content. Either a poor presentation or lack of participation will result in a grade of D or U (unsatisfactory).
Policy Statements:
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Jan. 3 4
2 Jan. 7 8 9 10 11
3 Jan. 14 15 16 17 18
4 Jan. 21: MLK Day
No Class
22 23: Concert

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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated