
CSC 222: Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2008

Practice Exam 1

This exam is open-book and open-note. Please allow some time to check your work. If you need extra space, write on the back.

  1. Consider the following tnode class template, which represents a binary tree node where each node is labeled with a value of type T:
    template <typename T>
    class tnode {
        T nodeValue;
        tnode<T> *left, *right;
        tnode(const T& item, tnode<T> *lptr = 0, tnode<T> *rptr = 0) :
            nodeValue(item), left(lptr), right(rptr) { }
    Suppose that root points to a binary search tree of ints (ordered by the usual < relation). Given a function test from int to bool, write an efficient function with the following prototype:
    bool printSmallest(const node<int> *root)
    which searches for the smallest value n in the tree such that test(n) is true. If such an n is found, it should print n to cout and return true; otherwise, it should return false and not print anything. For example, if test(n) returns true when n is even, and false otherwise, then printSmallest(root) should print the smallest even number (if any) in the tree pointed to by root (and return true only if a number was printed).
  2. What is the output of the following sequence of operations if x is declared as a stack<char>?
    x.push('h');  x.push('e');  x.push('l');
    cout << x.top();  x.pop();
    cout << x.top();  x.pop();
    x.push('l');  x.push('o');
    cout << x.top();  x.pop();
    cout << x.top();  x.pop();
    cout << x.top();  x.pop();

    What would the output be from the same sequence if x were declared as a priority_queue<char> (where characters later in the alphabet have higher priority)?

    Finally, what would the output be from the same sequence if x were declared as a queue<char> and the x.top() operations were replaced by x.front()?

  3. Write a C++ function int countBelow(const vector<int> &v, int n) which will return the number of items strictly less than n found in the vector v. You should not assume anything about the ordering of the items in the vector.
  4. Write a similar function that takes a list<int> argument instead of a vector<int>.
  5. Consider the following C++ function:
    tnode<int> *fibber(int n)
        if (n <= 1) return 0;
        tnode<int> *p = fibber(n - 1);
        tnode<int> *q = fibber(n - 2);
        return new tnode<int>(n, p, q);
    Draw the call tree that results from the function call fibber(5).
  6. Fill in the two missing pieces of the following code so that it handles the dynamically-allocated storage correctly (the context here is that some systems limit the amount of space for stack-allocated variables, so you may not be able to declare a local variable such as int a[N] when N is a million; instead, you can declare a to be an object of class test, and the only space required on the system stack will be for the data pointer--the million ints will be allocated from the heap):
    const int N = 1000000;
    class test {
        test() : data(new int[N]) { }
        test(const test& x);
        test& operator=(const test& rhs);
        int& operator[](int i) { return data[i]; }
        const int& operator[](int i) const { return data[i]; }
        int *data;
    test::test(const test& x) : data(new int[N])
    {   for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)  data[i] = x[i];
    {   // FINISH THIS:
    test& test::operator=(const test& rhs)
    {   // AND THIS:

    What will be the output from the following program using this class?

    void f(test x, test& y) { x[42] = 2 * y[42];  y = x; }
    int main()
    {   test a;
        a[42] = 17;
        test b = a;
        f(a, b);
        cout << a[42] << " " << b[42] << endl;

    How many times will the test destructor be called in the above program?

  7. What is the output of the following C++ code?
    multiset<string> m;
    m.insert("to"); m.insert("be"); m.insert("or");
    m.insert("not"); m.insert("to"); m.insert("be");
    set<string> s;
    multiset<string>::const_iterator it;
    for (it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) {
        cout << *it;
        pair<set<string>::iterator, bool> p = s.insert(*it);
        if (p.second) cout << " inserted" << endl;
        else cout << " not inserted" << endl;
    set<string>::const_iterator sit;
    for (sit = s.begin(); sit != s.end(); ++sit) {
        cout << *sit << " ";
    cout << endl;
  8. Show the result after each step of inserting the numbers 42, 37, 4, 28, 17, and 33 into an initially empty AVL tree.

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