
CSC 222: Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2008


This schedule is only approximate and subject to change.

Week Topics Notes
8/27-29 Course overview; Intro to Linux
9/1-5 C++ and Algorithm Analysis Review Chs. 1 & 2
9/8-12 Simple Containers and the STL Ch. 3
9/15-19 Binary Trees Ch. 4
9/22-26 Heaps Ch. 6
9/29-10/3 Review of STL Exam 1, Wed. 10/1
10/6-10 Hash Tables Ch. 5
10/13-17 Sorting Ch. 7
10/20-24 Fall Break
10/27-31 Sorting, cont. Ch. 7
11/3-7 Union/Find Ch. 8
11/10-14 Algorithm Design Techniques Ch. 10
11/17-21 Review Exam 2
11/24 Graphs Ch. 9
12/1-5 Graphs, cont. Ch. 9
12/8-12 NP-Completeness; Wrap-up Ch. 9


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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated