
CSC 480: Database and File Systems, Spring 2011


Tuesday, February 8:
(To be discussed in class) Chapter 1, Exercises 1, 2, and 4;
Compile a list of database systems you commonly interact with.
Tuesday, February 15:
Chapter 2, Exercises 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8
Tuesday, February 22:
Chapter 3, Exercises 1, 6, 8, 9, and 14
Thursday, March 10:
(Email to bhoward@depauw.edu) Chapter 4, Exercises 1, 3, 8, 9, 13, and 20 (b, e, h, k, n, and q; you do not need to show the query trees)
Tuesday, March 15:

Choose an application domain which interests you and about which you have some knowledge. Design a database to manage information for some aspect of this domain. Create a class diagram and a corresponding SQL specification (that is, a sequence of create table commands) for your database. As a minimum, there should be at least four tables in your database, with (ideally) no redundant or inadequate relationships (in the terminology of Chapter 3). In addition, give at least four examples of useful queries written against your database. Finally, write up your design decisions, and discuss at least one example of a view that could be used to provide restricted access to your database for some users.

For this project, I am not requiring that you actually create the database (for example, in Derby) or populate it with data. However, you may find it helpful to do so when testing your queries.


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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated