
CSC 480: Database and File Systems, Spring 2012


Thursday, February 2:
Read Chapter 1; be prepared to discuss Exercises 1.1-6. Watch introductory videos on http://www.db-class.org/. Start reading Chapter 2.
Tuesday, February 7:
Do Exercises 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 of Chapter 2 (to turn in); Read Sections 3.1-5
Thursday, February 16:
Do Exercises 1, 6, 7, 8, and 14 of Chapter 3 (to turn in)
Tuesday, February 28:
Chapter 4, Exercises 1, 4, 8, 9, 13, and 20 (a, c, e, g, i, k, m, o, and q; you do not need to show the query trees)
Tuesday, March 6:

Choose an application domain which interests you and about which you have some knowledge. Design a database to manage information for some aspect of this domain. Create a class diagram and a corresponding SQL specification (that is, a sequence of create table commands) for your database. As a minimum, there should be at least four tables in your database, with (ideally) no redundant or inadequate relationships (in the terminology of Chapter 3). In addition, give at least four examples of useful queries written against your database. Finally, write up your design decisions, and discuss at least one example of a view that could be used to provide restricted access to your database for some users.

For this project, I am not requiring that you actually create the database (for example, in Derby) or populate it with data. However, you may find it helpful to do so when testing your queries.

Thursday, March 15:

Submit a revised draft of Project 1 (March 6), either on paper, by email, or uploaded to Moodle. Also return your original submission with my comments.

Tuesday, April 17:
Following the model of the CollegeDB project in the public folder on the I: drive (which is based on the DAO code from Chapter 9 of the text, and which implements the database example from the midterm exam), write Java code to interface with the database you designed in the previous assignment. Your code should have a clean separation between the client (which may be very simple), the in-memory model, and the data access objects used to connect to the back-end database. Choose at least three of your database tables to implement (perhaps in simplified form, in case your design had lots of tables), and make sure the code can handle creating the database from scratch and populating it with some example data. When you are done, put the project folder in your directory on the I: drive.
Tuesday, May 1:
Chapter 12, Exercises 1 and 13;
Chapter 13, Exercises 2, 6, and 7;
Chapter 14, Exercises 4, 13, 14, 15, and 25;
Chapter 15, Exercises 1 and 2
Thursday, May 3:
In class we will be extending SimpleDB with a REAL data type. Prepare for this by reviewing the code for each of the levels we have studied, and determining what will need to be added or changed.
Tuesday, May 8:
(TENTATIVE) Chapter 16, Exercise 1; Chapter 17, Exercises 4 and 5; Chapter 19, Exercise 1

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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated