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CSC 121: Computer Science I, Spring 2005


Instructors: Kelly Van Busum (121A) Brian Howard (121B) Gloria Townsend (121C)
Office: 270 Julian 266 Julian 268 Julian
Phone: (765) 658-5030 (765) 658-4120 (765) 658-4726
Email address: kvanbusum@depauw.edu bhoward@depauw.edu gct@depauw.edu
Office Hours: Posted outside office,
or by appointment
MWThF 2-4,
or by appointment
sent by email,
or by appointment
Class Meetings: 7:00-9:00 pm TTh, 040 Julian
Lab: 8:00-9:50 T, 040 Julian
12:50-1:50 MWF, 109 Julian
Lab: 2:00-3:50 T, 108 Julian
11:20-12:20 MWF, 109 Julian
Lab: 10:10-12:00 T, 205 Olin
Course description:
This is a course in which students are introduced to several broad areas of computer science as a means to motivate problem solving using tools of the discipline: design of algorithms, representation of data, and implementation of algorithms as computer programs. Areas studied include graphics and graphical user interfaces, modeling and simulation, artificial intelligence, information management, and the world wide web. Interesting and relevant programming projects are written in a computer language that supports object-oriented design and programming. More general topics, such as the history of computing and related ethical issues, may also be considered. This course or its equivalent is a prerequisite for anyone who will major or minor in computer science.
Course content:
It is important to understand that no one resource provides all of the content for the course. We will rely heavily on the textbook, but lectures will often contain material that will not be in the text. Likewise the labs will often contain material that is neither in the textbook nor the lecture. So, to get the most from this course you should actively participate in all of its parts.
This semester will be the second offering of this course in a new format. We will be using the modern approach of object oriented programming and design within the popular Java programming environment. Java can be used to write desktop applications and various applications associated with the World Wide Web. We are also taking a slightly different approach to homework, laboratory exercises and assignments than in the past. We have kept the best aspects of the former version of Computer Science I, which has been a very popular course for the past twelve years. We are excited and enthusiastic about the new course, but at the same time we are realistic enough to know that there will likely be a few glitches during the semester. We faculty members will be having weekly meetings to assess the state of the course. In addition we encourage you to let us, the lab instructor or the lab assistants know early on when you detect that something about the course is broken.
Objects First With Java, Second Edition, by David J. Barnes and Michael Kölling, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-124933-9
Course Web Site:
The course grade will be based on exams plus a variety of assignments, including homework, in-class work, quizzes, and programming projects. Homework and in-class assignments will typically be associated with exercises from the textbook or worksheets prepared by your instructor. Quizzes may occur frequently and may or may not be announced in advance, depending on your instructor. Programming projects, sometimes worked on by pairs of students, will require significant time out of class, although parts of Tuesday labs will occasionally be used to work on these. Generally, the three or so labs preceeding the programming project due date will help you develop the skills required for the project.
Tuesday Labs:
The lab atmosphere is a relaxed one, where interactions among students, and between student and instructor/lab assistants, are encouraged. Lab activities are designed to complement and extend topics discussed in the classroom. The grade for each lab will be based on successful completion of the lab itself; you must have your work checked off by the instructor or a lab assistant by no later than the start of the next week's lab. All deviations from this policy must be approved by the lab instructor (Ron Croonenberg).
Laboratory Instructor and Student Assistants:
Ron Croonenberg is the laboratory instructor and coordinator. His office is 275 Julian. His email address is ronc@depauw.edu. All administrative questions about the laboratories should be directed to him first. Student assistants will have evening office hours prior to project due dates. The assistants will write their names on the whiteboards in the Julian labs, to indicate their presence.
Technical information:
We will be programming in Java, using the BlueJ environment that is bundled on a CD with your textbook. BlueJ is available in the computer labs on campus. If you have your own computer you are also allowed to install BlueJ on it. Instructions for this are in Appendix A.1 of your textbook. You can also install the most recent version from the Internet by going to http://www.bluej.org
Exam dates:
Important notes:
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