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CSC 121: Computer Science I, Spring 2005

Schedule of Topics

Schedule below is based upon classes meeting three days per week. Classes meeting two days a week will cover the same topics but will prorate the topics for three-day weeks over two days.

Date Topic References Notes
Unit 1: Introduction to Graphics
Jan 31 - Feb 4 Course overview; Objects and classes Ch. 1  
Introduction to BlueJ; Documentation Exercises 1.1-1.8 in class  
Objects and classes Ch. 1  
Feb 7 - Feb 11 Working with graphics objects; Writing classes; informal testing Ch 2.2-2.7  
Lab 1 - Objects and Classes(Feb 8)    
The graphics window; More classes Ch 2.4, 2.13, 1.13  
Modifying object state; Selection Ch 2.11-2.12, 3.1-3.6  
Feb 14 - Feb 18 Animation; Simple iteration Ch 3.7-3.11  
Lab 2 - Object State (Feb 15)    
More iteration; Keyboard events;   Project 1
Selection Ch 13.1-13.6, 14.1-14.3 Design Project 1 in class
Feb 21 - Feb 25 Project 1; Iteration; Selection    
Lab 3 - Animation (Feb 22)    
No Class (Feb 23 - Feb 25)    
No Class (Feb 23 - Feb 25)    
Feb 28 - Mar 4 Randomization; Documentation; Project 1 5.1-5.5,  
Lab 4 - Random Numbers (Mar 1)    
Exam review Ch 7.14 Exam 1, 7:00 p.m., Mar 2
Unit 2: Introduction to Simulation
  Graphical User Interfaces Ch 6; 11.1-11.4.3  
Mar 7 - Mar 11 Event handling Ch11.4.4-11.4.5  
Lab 5 - GUI Design (Mar 8)    
Stacks; Collections Ch 4.1-4.6  
Iteration and collections Ch 4.7-4.8  
Mar 14 - Mar 18 More collections    
Lab 6 - Collections (Mar 15)    
Simulation and random numbers;   Project 2
Arrays; Iteration revisited; the Game of Dice    
Mar 19 - Mar 27 Spring break    
Mar 28 - Apr 1 More arrays: the birthday problem & the log analyzer Ch 4.11  
Lab 7 - Simulation (Mar 29)    
Finish up arrays; Discrete event simulation; Queues Bowling exercises  
More simulation and statistics   Project 3
Unit 3: Introduction to Pattern Recognition
Apr 4 - Apr 8 Project 3    
Lab 8 - Queues (Apr 5)    
Project 3 Bank exercises  
Pattern recognition; hand writing, Mouse events    
Apr 11 - Apr 15 Review; Project 4 (Points and Circles); 2-D arrays    
Lab 9 - Mouse Events (Apr 12)    
Exam review   Exam 2, 7:00 p.m., April 13
Project 4 algorithm Point array exercises  
Apr 18 - Apr 22 multidimensional arrays   Project 4
Lab 10 - 2-D Arrays (Apr 19)    
Unit 4: Introduction to Information Management
  Introduction to Files, Databases, Web sites Project 4 exercises  
Tracking web site activity; Strings; File Input/Output    
Apr 25 - Apr 29 Strings    
Lab 11 - Text Files (Apr 26)    
Web logs; more strings IP Address exercises  
Database implementation   Project 5
May 2 - May 6 Database I/O; Serialization    
Lab 12 - Database (May 3)    
Active web pages; Applets    
Active web pages; Applets    
May 9 - May 12 Java vs. Javascript    
Lab 13 - The Web (May 10)    
Wrap up and review    
No date yet Debugging
Standalone applications
Introduction to inheritance
Ch 3.12-3.13; Ch 8.2-8.8 These are topics in the original syllabus that we are either postponing or not doing as we work through the first offerings of this course.
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