
CSC 381: Database and File Systems, Fall 2007


Tuesday, September 4:
Chapter 2, Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 7
Chapter 3, Exercises 2 and 9
Thursday, September 13:
Chapter 4, Exercises 1, 4, 8, 9, and 20(a, e, i, m, and q)
Thursday, September 27:
Chapter 8, Exercise 2 (just do query 4.20q). That is, "Write a (Java) program using Derby that executes the following query and prints its output table: retrieve the STUDENT record of the students who never received a grade of A in any course they took in their major." I suggest you start by checking out the "StudentClientDerby" project from http://twiki.csc.depauw.edu/svn/csc381/USERNAME (you should have committed this project to your personal subversion branch in class on Thursday, September 20 -- if not, check it out of .../public, then choose "Branch/Tag..." from the "Team" menu and move your working copy into your own branch by changing "public" to your USERNAME in the "To:" field). Start the Derby network server, and run the "CreateStudentDB" client. Then write your program to perform the above query based on the "StudentMajor" client in that project (you could just make a copy of StudentMajor.java and work from there). When you are done, make sure to do a "Commit..." from the "Team" menu and it will be saved on the subversion repository.
Tuesday, October 23:
The SimpleDB buffer manager currently uses the naïve replacement strategy, choosing the first unpinned buffer it finds. Also, it does a sequential scan to see whether a block is already located in a buffer. For this project, you should modify the buffer manager (in package simpledb.buffer) to improve on both of these situations. When you are finished, be sure to commit your changes back to your branch of the subversion repository.
Tuesday, November 6:
Chapter 14, Exercises 3, 7, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, and 31
Thursday, November 29 December 6:
Do Chapter 20, Exercise 5, which requires that you also do Exercises 17.19 and 15.10 (note there is a typo in 17.19: it refers to Exercise 15.6 when it should say 15.10). Be sure to commit your changes (including your test program) back to your branch of the subversion repository.

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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated