
CSC 381: Database and File Systems, Fall 2007


Time and Location: TTh 2-3:50 pm, Julian 040
Professor: Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu)
Office: Julian 266 (658-4120)
Office Hours: MTTh 11-12, TWF 4-5, or by appointment (or when my door is open)
Course Home Page: http://www.csc.depauw.edu/~bhoward/courses/0708Fall/csc381/
Course Moodle Page: http://moodle.depauw.edu/course/view.php?id=117
Edward Sciore, "Database Management: A Systems Approach using Java," John Wiley & Sons, August 2007 draft
Course Description:
(from the Catalog) This course provides an external and an internal view of relational database management systems (DBMSs). The external view consists of database design and implementation. The database query and manipulation languages SQL and QBE will be studied to the degree that students will be able to become proficient in these languages on their own. The internal view involves characteristics of secondary storage devices, methods of organizing information, various file organization and accessing techniques and other topics related to database engine implementation. Programming assignments complement topics discussed in class, including the building of a few key components of a database engine.
The grade for this course will be based on the following:
Policy Statements:
Week Tuesday Thursday
1 Aug. 23
2 Aug. 28 30
3 Sep. 4 6
4 Sep. 11 13
5 Sep. 18 20
6 Sep. 25 27
7 Oct. 2 4: Midterm
8 Oct. 9 11
Fall Break
9 Oct. 23 25
10 Oct. 30 Nov. 1
11 Nov. 6 8
12 Nov. 13 15
13 Nov. 20 Thanksgiving Break
14 Nov. 27 29
15 Dec. 4 6

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Maintained by Brian Howard (bhoward@depauw.edu). Last updated