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Set Concepts

(Content adapted from Critchlow & Eck)

We deal with the complexity of the world by putting things into categories. There are not just hordes of individual creatures. There are dogs, cats, elephants, and mice. There are mammals, insects, and fish. Animals, vegetables, and minerals. Solids, liquids, and gases. Things that are red. Big cities. Pleasant memories. Categories build on categories. They are the subject and the substance of thought.

In mathematics, which operates in its own abstract and rigorous world, categories are modeled by sets. A set is just a collection of elements. Along with logic, sets form the "foundation" of mathematics, just as categories are part of the foundation of day-to-day thought. In this chapter, we study sets and relationships among sets.

Basic Concepts

A set is a collection of elements. A set is defined entirely by the elements that it contains. An element can be anything, including another set. You will notice that this is not a precise mathematical definition. Instead, it is an intuitive description of what the word "set" is supposed to mean: Any time you have a bunch of entities and you consider them as a unit, you have a set. Mathematically, sets are really defined by the operations that can be performed on them. These operations model things that can be done with collections of objects in the real world. These operations are the subject of the branch of mathematics known as set theory.

The most basic operation in set theory is forming a set from a given list of specific entities. The set that is formed in this way is denoted by enclosing the list of entities between a left brace, "{\{", and a right brace, "}\}". The entities in the list are separated by commas. For example, the set denoted by

{ 17, π, New York City, Barack Obama, Big Ben }\{\ 17,\ \pi,\ \texttt{New York City},\ \texttt{Barack Obama},\ \texttt{Big Ben}\ \}

is the set that contains the entities 17, π\pi, New York City, Barack Obama, and Big Ben. These entities are the elements of the set. Since we assume that a set is completely defined by the elements that it contains, the set is well-defined. Of course, we still haven't said what it means to be an "entity." Something as definite as "New York City" should qualify, except that it doesn't seem like New York City really belongs in the world of Mathematics. The problem is that mathematics is supposed to be its own self-contained world, but it is supposed to model the real world. When we use mathematics to model the real world, we admit entities such as New York City and even Big Ben. But when we are doing mathematics per se, we'll generally stick to obviously mathematical entities such as the integer 17 or the real number π\pi. We will also use letters such as aa and bb to refer to entities. For example, when I say something like "Let AA be the set {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\}," I mean aa, bb, and cc to be particular, but unspecified, entities.

It's important to understand that a set is defined by the elements that it contains, and not by the order in which those elements might be listed. For example, the notations {a,b,c,d}\{a,b,c,d\} and {b,c,a,d}\{b,c,a,d\} define the same set. Furthermore, a set can only contain one copy of a given element, even if the notation that specifies the set lists the element twice. This means that {a,b,a,a,b,c,a}\{a,b,a,a,b,c,a\} and {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\} specify exactly the same set. Note in particular that it's incorrect to say that the set {a,b,a,a,b,c,a}\{a,b,a,a,b,c,a\} contains seven elements, since some of the elements in the list are identical. The notation {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\} can lead to some confusion, since it might not be clear whether the letters aa, bb, and cc are assumed to refer to three different entities. A mathematician would generally not make this assumption without stating it explicitly, so that the set denoted by {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\} could actually contain either one, two, or three elements. When it is important that different letters refer to different entities, I will say so explicitly, as in "Consider the set {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\}, where aa, bb, and cc are distinct."

The symbol \in is used to express the relation "is an element of." That is, if aa is an entity and AA is a set, then aAa\in A is a statement that is true if and only if aa is one of the elements of AA. In that case, we also say that aa is a member of the set AA. The assertion that aa is not an element of AA is expressed by the notation a∉Aa\mathbin{\not\in} A. Note that both aAa\in A and ∉A\mathbin{\not\in} A are statements in the sense of propositional logic. That is, they are assertions which can be either true or false. The statement ∉A\mathbin{\not\in} A is equivalent to ¬(aA)\lnot(a\in A).

It is possible for a set to be empty, that is, to contain no elements whatsoever. Since a set is completely determined by the elements that it contains, there is only one set that contains no elements. This set is called the empty set, and it is denoted by the symbol \emptyset. Note that for any element aa, the statement aa\in\emptyset is false. The empty set, \emptyset, can also be denoted by an empty pair of braces, { }\{\ \}.

If AA and BB are sets, then, by definition, AA is equal to BB if and only if they contain exactly the same elements. In this case, we write A=BA=B. Using the notation of predicate logic, we can say that A=BA=B if and only if x(xAxB)\forall x(x\in A \leftrightarrow x\in B).

Suppose now that AA and BB are sets such that every element of AA is an element of BB. In that case, we say that AA is a subset of BB, i.e. AA is a subset of BB if and only if x(xAxB)\forall x(x\in A \rightarrow x\in B). The fact that AA is a subset of BB is denoted by ABA\subseteq B. Note that \emptyset is a subset of every set BB: xx \in \emptyset is false for any xx, and so given any BB, (xxB)(x\in \emptyset \rightarrow x\in B) is true for all xx.

If A=BA=B, then it is automatically true that ABA\subseteq B and that BAB\subseteq A. The converse is also true: If ABA\subseteq B and BAB\subseteq A, then A=BA=B. This follows from the fact that for any xx, the statement (xAxB)(x\in A \leftrightarrow x\in B) is logically equivalent to the statement (xAxB)(xBxA)(x\in A\rightarrow x\in B) \land (x\in B\rightarrow x\in A). This fact is important enough to state as a theorem.

Theorem: Set Equality
Let AA and BB be sets. Then A=BA=B if and only if both ABA\subseteq B and BAB\subseteq A.

This theorem expresses the following advice: If you want to check that two sets, AA and BB, are equal, you can do so in two steps. First check that every element of AA is also an element of BB, and then check that every element of BB is also an element of AA.

If ABA\subseteq B but ABA\not= B, we say that AA is a proper subset of BB. We use the notation ABA\varsubsetneq B to mean that AA is a proper subset of BB. That is, ABA\varsubsetneq B if and only if ABABA\subseteq B \land A\not= B. We will sometimes use ABA\supseteq B as an equivalent notation for BAB\subseteq A, and ABA\varsupsetneq B as an equivalent for BAB\varsubsetneq A.


A set can contain an infinite number of elements. In such a case, it is not possible to list all the elements in the set. Sometimes the ellipsis "" is used to indicate a list that continues on infinitely. For example, N\N, the set of natural numbers, can be specified as

N={0,1,2,3,}\N = \{ 0, 1, 2, 3, \dots \}

However, this is an informal notation, which is not really well-defined, and it should only be used in cases where it is clear what it means. It's not very useful to say that "the set of prime numbers is {2,3,5,7,11,13,}\{2,3,5,7,11,13,\dots\}," and it is completely meaningless to talk about "the set {17,42,105,}\{17,42,105,\dots\}." Clearly, we need another way to specify sets besides listing their elements. The need is fulfilled by predicates.

If P(x)P(x) is a predicate, then we can form the set that contains all entities aa such that aa is in the domain of discourse for PP and P(a)P(a) is true. The notation {xP(x)}\{x \mid P(x)\} is used to denote this set. The name of the variable, xx, is arbitrary, so the same set could equally well be denoted as {zP(z)}\{z\mid P(z)\} or {rP(r)}\{r\mid P(r)\}. The notation {xP(x)}\{x\mid P(x)\} can be read "the set of xx such that P(x)P(x)." For example, if E(x)E(x) is the predicate "xx is an even number," and if the domain of discourse for EE is the set N\N of natural numbers, then the notation {xE(x)}\{x\mid E(x)\} specifies the set of even natural numbers. That is,

{xE(x)}={0,2,4,6,8,}\{x\mid E(x)\} = \{0,2,4,6,8,\dots\}

It turns out, for deep and surprising reasons that we will discuss later in this section, that we have to be a little careful about what counts as a predicate. In order for the notation {xP(x)}\{x\mid P(x)\} to be valid, we have to assume that the domain of discourse of PP is in fact a set. (You might wonder how it could be anything else. That's the surprise!) Often, it is useful to specify the domain of discourse explicitly in the notation that defines a set. In the above example, to make it clear that xx must be a natural number, we could write the set as {xNE(x)}\{x\in\N \mid E(x)\}. This notation can be read as "the set of all xx in N\N such that E(x)E(x)." More generally, if XX is a set and PP is a predicate whose domain of discourse includes all the elements of XX, then the notation

{xXP(x)}\{x\in X\mid P(x)\}

is the set that consists of all entities aa that are members of the set XX and for which P(a)P(a) is true. In this notation, we don't have to assume that the domain of discourse for PP is a set, since we are effectively limiting the domain of discourse to the set XX. The set denoted by {xXP(x)}\{x\in X\mid P(x)\} could also be written as {xxXP(x)}\{x\mid x\in X\land P(x)\}.

We can use this notation to define the set of prime numbers in a rigorous way. A prime number is a natural number nn which is greater than 1 and which satisfies the property that for any factorization n=xyn=xy, where xx and yy are natural numbers, either xx or yy must be nn. We can express this definition as a predicate and define the set of prime numbers as

{nN(n>1)xy((xNyNn=xy)(x=ny=n))}.\{n\in\N\mid (n>1)\land\forall x\forall y\big((x\in\N\land y\in\N\land n=xy)\rightarrow(x=n\lor y=n)\big)\}.

Admittedly, this definition is hard to take in in one gulp. But this example shows that it is possible to define complex sets using predicates.


Now that we have a way to express a wide variety of sets, we turn to operations that can be performed on sets. The most basic operations on sets are union and intersection. If AA and BB are sets, then we define the union of AA and BB to be the set that contains all the elements of AA together with all the elements of BB. The union of AA and BB is denoted by ABA\cup B. The union can be defined formally as

AB={xxAxB}.A\cup B = \{x\mid x\in A \lor x\in B\}.

The intersection of AA and BB is defined to be the set that contains every entity that is both a member of AA and a member of BB. The intersection of AA and BB is denoted by ABA\cap B. Formally,

AB={xxAxB}.A\cap B = \{x\mid x\in A \land x\in B\}.

An entity gets into ABA\cup B if it is in either AA or BB. It gets into ABA\cap B if it is in both AA and BB. Note that the symbol for the logical "or" operator, \lor, is similar to the symbol for the union operator, \cup, while the logical "and" operator, \land, is similar to the intersection operator, \cap.

The set difference of two sets, AA and BB, is defined to be the set of all entities that are members of AA but are not members of BB. The set difference of AA and BB is denoted ABA\smallsetminus B. The idea is that ABA\smallsetminus B is formed by starting with AA and then removing any element that is also found in BB. Formally,

AB={xxAx∉B}.A\smallsetminus B = \{x\mid x\in A \land x\mathbin{\not\in} B\}.

Union and intersection are clearly commutative operations. That is, AB=BAA\cup B=B\cup A and AB=BAA\cap B=B\cap A for any sets AA and BB. However, set difference is not commutative. In general, ABBAA\smallsetminus B \not= B\smallsetminus A.

Suppose that A={a,b,c}A=\{a,b,c\}, that B={b,d}B=\{b,d\}, and that C={d,e,f}C=\{d,e,f\}. Then we can apply the definitions of union, intersection, and set difference to compute, for example, that:

AB={a,b,c,d}A\cup B = \{a,b,c,d\}AB={b}A\cap B = \{b\}AB={a,c}A\smallsetminus B = \{a,c\}
AC={a,b,c,d,e,f}A\cup C = \{a,b,c,d,e,f\}AC=A\cap C = \emptysetAC={a,b,c}A\smallsetminus C = \{a,b,c\}

In this example, the sets AA and CC have no elements in common, so that AC=A\cap C=\emptyset. There is a term for this: Two sets are said to be disjoint if they have no elements in common. That is, for any sets AA and BB, AA and BB are said to be disjoint if and only if AB=A\cap B=\emptyset.

Of course, the set operations can also be applied to sets that are defined by predicates. For example, let L(x)L(x) be the predicate "xx is lucky," and let W(x)W(x) be the predicate "xx is wise," where the domain of discourse for each predicate is the set of people. Let X={xL(x)}X = \{x\mid L(x)\}, and let Y={xW(x)}Y=\{x\mid W(x)\}. Then

XY={xL(x)W(x)}={people who are lucky or wise}X\cup Y = \{x\mid L(x)\lor W(x)\} = \{\text{people who are lucky or wise}\}
XY={xL(x)W(x)}={people who are lucky and wise}X\cap Y = \{x\mid L(x)\land W(x)\} = \{\text{people who are lucky and wise}\}
XY={xL(x)¬W(x)}={people who are lucky but not wise}X\smallsetminus Y = \{x\mid L(x)\land \lnot W(x)\} = \{\text{people who are lucky but not wise}\}
YX={xW(x)¬L(x)}={people who are wise but not lucky}Y\smallsetminus X = \{x\mid W(x)\land \lnot L(x)\} = \{\text{people who are wise but not lucky}\}

You have to be a little careful with the English word "and." We might say that the set XYX\cup Y contains people who are lucky and people who are wise. But what this means is that a person gets into the set XYX\cup Y either by being lucky or by being wise, so XYX\cup Y is defined using the logical "or" operator, \lor.

Sets can contain other sets as elements. For example, the notation {a,{b}}\{a,\{b\}\} defines a set that contains two elements, the entity aa and the set {b}\{b\}. Since the set {b}\{b\} is a member of the set {a,{b}}\{a,\{b\}\}, we have that {b}{a,{b}}\{b\}\in\{a,\{b\}\}. On the other hand, provided that aba\not=b, the statement {b}{a,{b}}\{b\}\subseteq\{a,\{b\}\} is false, since saying {b}{a,{b}}\{b\}\subseteq\{a,\{b\}\} is equivalent to saying that b{a,{b}}b\in\{a,\{b\}\}, and the entity bb is not one of the two members of {a,{b}}\{a,\{b\}\}. For the entity aa, it is true that {a}{a,{b}}\{a\}\subseteq\{a,\{b\}\}.

Given a set AA, we can construct the set that contains all the subsets of AA. This set is called the power set of AA, and is denoted P(A){\mathscr P}(A). Formally, we define

P(A)={XXA}.{\mathscr P}(A)=\{X\mid X\subseteq A\}.

For example, if A={a,b}A=\{a,b\}, then the subsets of AA are the empty set, {a}\{a\}, {b}\{b\}, and {a,b}\{a,b\}, so the power set of AA is set given by

P(A)={,{a},{b},{a,b}}.{\mathscr P}(A) = \{\,\emptyset,\,\{a\},\,\{b\},\,\{a,b\}\,\}.

Note that since the empty set is a subset of any set, the empty set is an element of the power set of any set. That is, for any set AA, A\emptyset\subseteq A and P(A)\emptyset\in{\mathscr P}(A). Since the empty set is a subset of itself, and is its only subset, we have that P()={}{\mathscr P}(\emptyset) = \{\emptyset\}. The set {}\{\emptyset\} is not empty. It contains one element, namely \emptyset.

Here is a summary of some of the notations that are defined in this section. AA and BB are sets, and aa is an entity.

aAa\in Aaa is a member (or element) of AA
a∉Aa\mathbin{\not\in} A¬(aA)\lnot(a\in A), aa is not a member of AA
\emptysetthe empty set, which contains no elements
ABA\subseteq BAA is a subset of BB, x(xAxB)\forall x(x\in A\rightarrow x\in B)
ABA\varsubsetneq BAA is a proper subset of BB, ABABA\subseteq B \land A\not=B
ABA\supseteq BAA is a superset of BB, same as BAB\subseteq A
ABA\varsupsetneq BAA is a proper superset of BB, same as BAB\varsubsetneq A
A=BA=BAA and BB have the same members, ABBAA\subseteq B\land B\subseteq A
ABA\cup Bunion of AA and BB, {xxAxB}\{x\mid x\in A\lor x\in B\}
ABA\cap Bintersection of AA and BB, {xxAxB}\{x\mid x\in A\land x\in B\}
ABA\smallsetminus Bset difference of AA and BB, {xxAx∉B}\{x\mid x\in A\land x\mathbin{\not\in} B\}
P(A){\mathscr P}(A)power set of AA, {XXA}\{X\mid X\subseteq A\}

Russell's Paradox

We remarked earlier in this section that the notation {xP(x)}\{x \mid P(x)\} is only valid if the domain of discourse of PP is a set. This might seem a rather puzzling thing to sayafter all, why and how would the domain of discourse be anything else? The answer is related to Russell's Paradox, which shows that it is logically impossible for the set of all sets to exist. This impossibility can be demonstrated using a proof by contradiction. In the proof, we use the existence of the set of all sets to define another set which cannot exist because its existence would lead to a logical contradiction.

Theorem: Russell
There is no set of all sets.

Proof Suppose that the set of all sets exists. We will show that this assumption leads to a contradiction. Let VV be the set of all sets. We can then define the set RR to be the set which contains every set that does not contain itself. That is,

R={XVX∉X}R=\{X\in V\mid X\mathbin{\not\in} X\}

Now, we must have either RRR\in R or R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R. We will show that either case leads to a contradiction.

Consider the case where RRR\in R. Since RRR\in R, RR must satisfy the condition for membership in RR. A set XX is in RR iff X∉XX\mathbin{\not\in} X. To say that RR satisfies this condition means that R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R. That is, from the fact that RRR\in R, we deduce the contradiction that R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R.

Now consider the remaining case, where R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R. Since R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R, RR does not satisfy the condition for membership in RR. Since the condition for membership is that R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R, and this condition is false, the statement R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R must be false. But this means that the statement RRR\in R is true. From the fact that R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R, we deduce the contradiction that RRR\in R.

Since both possible cases, RRR\in R and R∉RR\mathbin{\not\in} R, lead to contradictions, we see that it is not possible for RR to exist. Since the existence of RR follows from the existence of VV, we see that VV also cannot exist.

To avoid Russell's paradox, we must put limitations on the construction of new sets. We can't force the set of all sets into existence simply by thinking of it. We can't form the set {xP(x)}\{x\mid P(x)\} unless the domain of discourse of PP is a set. Any predicate QQ can be used to form a set {xXQ(x)}\{x\in X\mid Q(x)\}, but this notation requires a pre-existing set XX. Predicates can be used to form subsets of existing sets, but they can't be used to form new sets completely from scratch.

The notation {xAP(x)}\{x\in A\mid P(x)\} is a convenient way to effectively limit the domain of discourse of a predicate, PP, to members of a set, AA, that we are actually interested in. We will use a similar notation with the quantifiers \forall and \exists. The proposition (xA)(P(x))(\forall x\in A)(P(x)) is true if and only if P(a)P(a) is true for every element aa of the set AA. And the proposition (xA)(P(x))(\exists x\in A)(P(x)) is true if and only if there is some element aa of the set AA for which P(a)P(a) is true. These notations are valid only when AA is contained in the domain of discourse for PP. As usual, we can leave out parentheses when doing so introduces no ambiguity. So, for example, we might write xA  P(x)\forall x\in A\;P(x).


  1. If we don't make the assumption that aa, bb, and cc are distinct, then the set denoted by {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\} might actually contain either 1, 2, or 3 elements. How many different elements might the set {a,b,{a},{a,c},{a,b,c}}\{\,a,\,b,\,\{a\},\,\{a,c\},\,\{a,b,c\}\,\} contain? Explain your answer.


    If they are all distinct, then there are five elements: aa, bb, and the sets {a}\{a\}, {a,c}\{a,c\}, and {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\}. If aa and bb are the same, then there are three elements: aa, {a}\{a\}, and {a,c}\{a,c\} (which is the same as {a,b,c}\{a,b,c\}). If aa and cc are the same, then there are four elements: aa, bb, {a}\{a\}, and {a,b}\{a,b\}. If bb and cc are the same, then we actually get the same four elements as when aa and cc are the same (this should make sense, because if cc is the same as either of the others, then it is redundant in both of the places it occurs). Finally, if all three are the same, then we have just two elements: aa and {a}\{a\}.

  2. Compute ABA\cup B, ABA\cap B, and ABA\smallsetminus B for each of the following pairs of sets

    • A={a,b,c}, B=A =\{a,b,c\},\ B=\emptyset

      AB=AA\cup B=A, AB=BA\cap B=B, AB=AA\smallsetminus B=A

    • A={1,2,3,4,5}, B={2,4,6,8,10}A =\{1,2,3,4,5\},\ B=\{2,4,6,8,10\}

      AB={1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10}A\cup B=\{1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10\}, AB={2,4}A\cap B=\{2,4\}, AB={1,3,5}A\smallsetminus B=\{1,3,5\}

    • A={a,b}, B={a,b,c,d}A =\{a,b\},\ B=\{a,b,c,d\}

      AB=BA\cup B=B, AB=AA\cap B=A, AB=A\smallsetminus B=\emptyset

    • A={a,b,{a,b}}, B={{a},{a,b}}A =\{a,b,\{a,b\}\},\ B=\{\{a\},\{a,b\}\}

      AB={a,b,{a},{a,b}}A\cup B=\{a,b,\{a\},\{a,b\}\}, AB={{a,b}}A\cap B=\{\{a,b\}\}, AB={a,b}A\smallsetminus B=\{a,b\}

  3. Recall that N\N represents the set of natural numbers. That is, N={0,1,2,3,}\N=\{0,1,2,3,\dots\}. Let X={nNn5}X=\{n\in\N\mid n\ge 5\}, let Y={nNn10}Y=\{n\in\N\mid n\le10\}, and let Z={nNn is an even number}Z=\{n\in\N\mid \text{\textit{n} is an even number}\}. Find each of the following sets:

    • XYX\cap Y


    • XYX\cup Y


    • XYX\smallsetminus Y

      Y={nNn>10}Y=\{n\in\N\mid n>10\}

    • NZ\N\smallsetminus Z

      {nNn is an odd number}\{n\in\N\mid \text{\textit{n} is an odd number}\}

    • XZX\cap Z

      {nNn is an even number greater than 5}\{n\in\N\mid \text{\textit{n} is an even number greater than 5}\}

    • YZY\cap Z


    • YZY\cup Z

      {nNn is an even number or less than 10}\{n\in\N\mid \text{\textit{n} is an even number or less than 10}\}

    • ZNZ\smallsetminus\N


  4. Find P({1,2,3}){\mathscr P}\big(\{1,2,3\}\big). (It has eight elements.)



  5. Assume that aa and bb are entities and that aba\not=b. Let AA and BB be the sets defined by A={a,{b},{a,b}}A=\{\,a,\,\{b\},\,\{a,b\}\,\} and B={a,b,{a,{b}}}B=\{\,a,\,b,\,\{a,\{b\}\}\,\}. Determine whether each of the following statements is true or false. Explain your answers.

    • bAb\in A

      False. The set {b}\{b\} is an element of AA, but not the entity bb itself.

    • {a,b}A\{a,b\}\subseteq A

      False, since b∉Ab\not\in A.

    • {a,b}B\{a,b\}\subseteq B

      True, since both aa and bb are elements of BB.

    • {a,b}B\{a,b\}\in B

      False. The set {a,b}\{a,b\} is distinct from each of the three elements of BB.

    • {a,{b}}A\{a,\{b\}\}\in A

      False. Although {a,{b}}A\{a,\{b\}\}\subseteq A, it is not an element of AA.

    • {a,{b}}B\{a,\{b\}\}\in B

      True. It is one of the elements of BB, along with aa and bb.

  6. Since P(A){\mathscr P}(A) is a set, it is possible to form the set P(P(A)){\mathscr P}\big({\mathscr P}(A)\big). What is P(P()){\mathscr P}\big({\mathscr P}(\emptyset)\big)\,? What is P(P({a,b})){\mathscr P}\big({\mathscr P}(\{a,b\})\big)\,? (It has sixteen elements.)


    Since \emptyset has 0 elements, its powerset P(){\mathscr P}(\emptyset) will have 20=12^0=1 element, and the powerset of that will have 21=22^1=2 elements: {,{}}\{\emptyset,\{\emptyset\}\}.

    The powerset P({a,b}){\mathscr P}(\{a,b\}) has 22=42^2=4 elements: {,{a},{b},{a,b}}\{\emptyset,\{a\},\{b\},\{a,b\}\}. Therefore, its powerset will contain the following sixteen elements (listed individually for clarity):

    • \emptyset
    • {}\{\emptyset\}
    • {{a}}\{\{a\}\}
    • {,{a}}\{\emptyset,\{a\}\}
    • {{b}}\{\{b\}\}
    • {,{b}}\{\emptyset,\{b\}\}
    • {{a},{b}}\{\{a\},\{b\}\}
    • {,{a},{b}}\{\emptyset,\{a\},\{b\}\}
    • {{a,b}}\{\{a,b\}\}
    • {,{a,b}}\{\emptyset,\{a,b\}\}
    • {{a},{a,b}}\{\{a\},\{a,b\}\}
    • {,{a},{a,b}}\{\emptyset,\{a\},\{a,b\}\}
    • {{b},{a,b}}\{\{b\},\{a,b\}\}
    • {,{b},{a,b}}\{\emptyset,\{b\},\{a,b\}\}
    • {{a},{b},{a,b}}\{\{a\},\{b\},\{a,b\}\}
    • {,{a},{b},{a,b}}\{\emptyset,\{a\},\{b\},\{a,b\}\}
  7. In the English sentence, "She likes men who are tall, dark, and handsome," does she like an intersection or a union of sets of men? How about in the sentence, "She likes men who are tall, men who are dark, and men who are handsome?"


    In the first sentence it is an intersection: she likes the men who are in all three of the sets "tall", "dark", and "handsome". In the second sentence it is a union: she likes men in the "tall" set, men in the "dark" set, and men in the "handsome" set.

  8. If AA is any set, what can you say about AAA\cup A\,? About AAA\cap A\,? About AAA\smallsetminus A\,? Why?


    AA=AA\cup A=A, since adding the elements of AA to itself doesn't add anything new. AA=AA\cap A=A as well, since they have every element of AA in common. AA=A\smallsetminus A=\emptyset, since removing all of the elements of AA from AA leaves nothing.

  9. Suppose that AA and BB are sets such that ABA\subseteq B. What can you say about ABA\cup B\,? About ABA\cap B\,? About ABA\smallsetminus B\,? Why?


    AB=BA\cup B=B, since everything in AA is already in BB. AB=AA\cap B=A, since every element of AA is also in BB. AB=A\smallsetminus B=\emptyset, since every element of AA will be removed.

  10. Suppose that AA, BB, and CC are sets. Show that CABC\subseteq A\cap B if and only if (CA)(CB)(C\subseteq A)\land (C\subseteq B).


    If CABC\subseteq A\cap B, then for each cCc\in C we know that c{xxAxB}c\in\{x\mid x\in A\land x\in B\}, which means cAc\in A and cBc\in B. Since this is true for every cCc\in C, we may conclude CAC\subseteq A and CBC\subseteq B.

    Conversely, suppose that (CA)(CB)(C\subseteq A)\land (C\subseteq B). That means that for each cCc\in C, we know that cAc\in A and cBc\in B, which is enough to establish that c{xxAxB}c\in\{x\mid x\in A\land x\in B\}. Therefore, CABC\subseteq A\cap B.

  11. Suppose that AA, BB, and CC are sets, and that ABA\subseteq B and BCB\subseteq C. Show that ACA\subseteq C.


    If ABA\subseteq B and BCB\subseteq C, then take any xAx\in A. We know that xBx\in B because AA is a subset of BB; furthermore, we also find that xCx\in C because BB is a subset of CC. Therefore, for every xAx\in A we also have xCx\in C, hence ACA\subseteq C.

  12. Suppose that AA and BB are sets such that ABA\subseteq B. Is it necessarily true that P(A)P(B){\mathscr P}(A)\subseteq {\mathscr P}(B)\,? Why or why not?


    If xP(A)x\in{\mathscr P}(A), then by the definition of the powerset we know that xAx\subseteq A. Since ABA\subseteq B, we know by the previous exercise that xBx\subseteq B, therefore we also have xP(B)x\in{\mathscr P}(B). Since this is true for arbitrary xx, we find that P(A)P(B){\mathscr P}(A)\subseteq {\mathscr P}(B) is true.